Sorted the Amp out.

I finally got around to modifying the video disc storage cabinet that my record deck sits on. Simple job really, remove the drawer, remove the sliding rails and fit an MDF shelf. The photo is deceiving, I spent weeks trying to find a way to match the wood for a shelf to the unit but gave up and bought this from a well known UK DIY store, and it almost matches, although you wouldn't think so looking at the photo which has turned out brighter than in real life.

The Numan amplifier is overkill for what I need, and the input/output options (Last button on the right) is mind-boggling. The thing is, if you're going to spend some money on a decent deck, then the original £40 Amazon amp I was using just seemed criminal.

HMV which is a music shop has started doing great swathes of vinyl records in their stores. A couple of Sundays ago, I went to our nearest one, Wolverhampton and seriously, spent an hour or so flipping through row upon row of memories, hands up all those who can remember going into a record store to look through what was available? Suddenly I was transported back to the 70s'. I'd already got Pink Floyd - Animals and Bauhaus - Crackle on CD/MP3, But I hadn't got the T.Rex or Lazarous David Bowies musical play he produced just before his death. I'm a huge Bowie fan, but sadly, I didn't enjoy the first two sides of this double album performed by the cast of the musical. The tracks, for me, ruined some of the iconic Bowie songs, and the reworking of This is not America almost had me throwing the LP across the room. Given I'd bought the damn thing, I went to play the second LP and, wait a minute! Where're the tracks? Only one side of the second LP had been pressed (I forgot to take a picture) the other side was just flat with no pressing. If truth be told, I was glad as it gave me a reason to return it to the store given I disliked it.

I've not finished with Sunday Vinyl, and maybe the three remaining albums will feature again, but I did discover I can control the volume on the Numan by bouncing the signal off the wall (Or the window?) when I'm sat around the corner from it. 🤣

My actual name is Pete

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