10 facts about over thinkers


  1. When they are sorry, they are really sorry and hope that you accept the apology.

  2. They can't sleep at night if they make the wrong choice. Doesn't matter the choice, ecru choice is important to them.

  3. They're not insecure control freaks. They just think..alot.

  4. They can't let anything go becuse if they understand it better, they can change the outcome.

  5. They have high expectations, they are very hard of themselves and expect a lot from others.

  6. They are indecisive, but once they decide you can't change their mind.

  7. It's really difficult for them to live in the moment, they always worry about what going to happen next.

  8. They always try to be on time, be prepared and usefully have more than one alarm set.

  9. Over thinking doesn't make them crazy, they just think more than the average person.

  10. They know relationships can be challenging as they put edit meeting behind everything said to them but once they love you, they will always love you.

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