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@chbartist I haven't been on steem for awhile and found your post in a search for what's trending in art. A good post and a good find, with some great ideas and suggestions.

Happy to find you and follow your next posts.

In life I have followed a winding path that always leads me back to doing something creative. Have also found/learned that creativity is/can be everywhere not just in music, art, poetry, writing etc...

Creativity is in how you dress yourself, arrange your furniture, do your makeup, do your hair, cook food, car you drive, communicate, think about your world.

You're right about being an entrepreneur and it seems that in today's world entrepreneurial thinking/awareness is an asset all of us could develop.

Regarding having/finding a mentor. How fortunate for you. A good mentor is always a blessing. I have found that throughout life those roles can be exchanged and we can be both a student and then a mentor or vice versus. In most relationships, I have come to think that it's an ongoing process of the exchange of learning and teaching and we are never done.

In watching my favorite TV station PBS I was reminded of this great quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer......."When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." .....Dr. Wayne Dyer

Once I really got what he is saying here my life changed. Your thoughts and vision make a difference and being focused on what is wanted and not what you are worried about/afraid of makes all the difference.


Lynda / ljl