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City Girl, Meet Suburbia

Us city kids give the burbs a bad wrap. Well, having moved to the suburbs from the city nearly 5 years ago, here's why I love the change in atmosphere:


Peace + Quiet: After 27 years of living in the city, the buzz was no longer white noise. I could hear everything and I needed a break, some tranquility. When you always hear people, you feel like you're never alone, which leads me to my second point...

Privacy: Though I lived in a great neighborhood, there were countless times when my privacy was violated. Let's just say, the guy that replaces car windows and I were tight. But even if I wanted to just read on my patio or balcony, there were dozens of windows that could see me. In fact, I remember getting waves every time a double decker tour bus driver by.

Parking: There is parking literally EVERYWHERE. And plenty of it. Only after city living do you appreciate how beautiful this is. I'm so spoiled now that when I'm in the city, I go straight to the nearest paid lot like a queen.


Space: Selling a 2 bedroom row home, got us 4 bedrooms and an acre in the burbs with a better school district. 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats and a dozen fish later, I've never felt more fortunate.


