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I'm so stubborn at times - but it is also one of the keys to my success!

It is so interesting in life to see that all our qualities and characteristics can be used for both good and bad. You might be incredibly creative, and that is amazing when you want to come up with a project... but when you are told to just quickly put on some clothes, it might lead you to spend way too long looking for a creative solution.

Or you might be told to make some pancakes for breakfast. If you are a chef, then you should be creative, but if you are an employee who should make pancakes for your boss, the way he likes them, then that is no space for creativity. You are to obey orders!

Source: pixabay

So, there is good and bad about everything in life...

And that leads to the fact that I am stubborn...

Being stubborn can be both good and bad...

It is 100% sure that being stubborn can be a very positive attitude when you work for success or a breakthrough on a project. But, it can also be what stands in the way of success, because you are too stubborn to admit a mistake and to try a different solution. In other words, stubbornness might come as a blessing, but it might also be what is causing you to fail!

That is why you need to look at yourself and your way of feeling stubborn. Is it a positive thing when people call you stubborn?

My personal stubborn example...

When I thought of this article, I thought of myself being stubborn. Do you know why? Because I have a goal of writing an article on Hive every day, and I have done so for the last months. And even though it is late, we have just had a little party with some friends, and I am soon about to go to bed... I still know that I want to publish something on Hive every day, and yes... this is the result!

I believe this is a good kind of stubbornness... unless it comes at a cost of low quality on the posts that I actually publish! That is also something to think about!

What are you stubborn about?