
The concept of "stress" In the classical literature, it is customary to call the triggering signal a stressor, and the reaction to this signal of a worthwhile chapter is called stress. Although in the context the concept of stress seems to be just a particular definition of difference from the norm. The word stress (from English stress) means pressure, pressure, tension. Currently, it is often used as a synonym for the term distress (from the English. Distress) - grief, misfortune, malaise, exhaustion, need. Hans Selye (1992) found that stressors (stressors) can 61 may be different, but they trigger essentially the same biological stress response. His medical studies have shown that the body reacts stereotypically, with the same biochemical changes. Thus, stress is a non-specific response of the organism to any demand presented to Prior to the introduction of the concept "stress" in the psychological sense c. 1955, people already identified a range of more nuanced ideas to describe and confront such emotions as worry, grief, concern, obsession, fear, annoyance, anxiety, distress, suffering and passion.By the 19th century, the popularisation of the nascent science of neurology made it possible to group some undifferentiated combination of one or more of these with an informal diagnosis such as "nerve strain".

"Stress" has subsequently become a mainstay of pop psychology.Though stress is discussed throughout history from many distinct topics and cultures, there is no universal consensus over describing stress, need quotation to verify] This has led to multiple kinds of research, looking at the different aspects of psychological stress and how it changes over a lifespan.


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