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Story behind every photo. GENOA. Part 2


So this is the second photo from Genoa, taken of the same embankment, but looking at the town. Landscape is interesting – different levels of historical buildings, and that’s a pity I’ve spent in this town only some hours (mostly at night, there will be another story) and couldn’t enjoy the beauty of Genoa.

Interesting thing, which I didn’t know before my journey (because I didn’t google, ha-ha) – the location of the airport – just 3 km away from the central part of Genoa, so you can try to make some nice pictures during takeoff or landing.

After the plane I’ve spent in Genoa from 40 minutes to one hour. During that time our group gathered and prepared for a 180 km bus ride to Montecatini Terme – famous Italian spa-resort. But the main reason, why our stop was in this town was not it famous status, but its location – between Pisa and Firenze.

This is it for picture #2, another chapter is coming up shortly ;)
