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Incidents That Occur When It Rains Wind

Good afternoon Hivers community this afternoon at around 14'20 heavy rain poured down on our workplace, a strong wind accompanied by heavy rain made the trees next to the building almost fall because they could not withstand the strong gusts of the rain wind which was also accompanied by lightning. scare employees who are outside all take cover into the building to escape.
Many flying objects fell down because of the very strong wind, even though the incident only took a few minutes to frighten us all and also the employees who were working inside.
At around 16'00 the situation was back to normal, activities were back on track, but jobs were left for the cleaning staff and technicians, especially because rainwater entered the building and there were many leaks on top of the building because the wind was blowing very hard.

šŸ–ļø (IND)

Selamat siang komunitas Hivers siang hari ini sekitar pukul 14'20 hujan deras mengguyur tempat kerja kami angin yang berhembus kencang di sertai hujan yang deras membuat pepohonan yang berada di samping gedung hampir tumbang karena tidak kuat menahan kencang nya hembusan angin hujan yang juga di sertai petir membuat takut karyawan yang berada di luar semua berlindung kedalam gedung untuk menghindari.
Banyak benda benda berterbangan jatuh ke bawah karena tiupan angin yang sangat kencang walaupun kejadian hanya beberapa menit membuat takut kita semua dan juga para karyawan yang sedang bekerja di dalam.
Sekitar pukul 16'00 keadaan sudah kembali normal aktivitas kembali berjalan namun menyisakan pekerjaan bagi karyawan petugas kebersihan dan Tehknisi terutama karena air hujan masuk ke dalam gedung dan banyak terjadi ke bocoran di atas gedung karena angin yang bertiup sangat kencang.


real photo


real photo @caumelehoy69


real photo @caumelehoy69


real photo @caumeloy69


real photo of the incident at the office

Sampai berjumpa kembali pada postingan yang lain terima kasih para Hivers terutama para senior yang sudah berkunjung ke postingan saya Selamat siang.

See you again in another post, thank you Hivers, especially seniors who have visited my post. Good afternoon.

ModelRedmi 8 M1908c3IG
Original picture@caumelehoy69

Thank you