Strategy Which Brings Darkness


Everyone have same Time Duration and everyone is after certain goals which they want to achieve and Manifest but everything is about Right Timing and understanding of situations and circumstances because without proper understanding of situations are like walking 🚶 without any map 🗺.

We have to agree one thing and that is, no matter our life is Predestined or not, our decisions and our free will going to Draw ultimate picture of our life and no running away from it because more we run away from the reality more strongly it will pinch and hit us.

Now let's talk about the Conditions (Situations) and Uncertain nature of it. If times are abundant majority of us celebrate Thanks Giving Day every moment but if we face crisis then most of the people start one game which is called as Blame Game.

We welcome Darker Times ⌚ in our life by choosing wrong path and by pursuing any path which was not for us but yet we move forward blindly. But it's not bad aspect because these mistakes are Learning Phases and without learning, we are not growing and we are accumelating any Wisdom.


In simple terms and way we can derive Strategy as Art Of Planning. Without Plan no Foundation will receive it's cementing work âš’ and by that i mean, our end result towards which we are eyeing will fall in this journey.

In my opinion we can divide Strategy in two ways, First one is Visualise and other one is Practicality. Everything is Visualisation (Thought 💭) of something after that Action Plan and Implementation Steps takes birth.

But here comes the point of Choice, by that i mean, we never know what we are visualising and about to take action is our desired path or not because most of the times we see this world with Point Of Comparison and that means we try to compete with world and not following the path of Heart Space.

So, in this Competitive World sometimes people invest their Time, Energy and Resources into wrong goals and walks on the wrong path and then comes the breakdown period and after that it takes good amount of time to come out of it and to Heal.


In my opinion Human Beings are neutral aspects, let's not include DNA History and all that subject where it says that our DNA holds the all memories of Generation to Generation, here let's stick to this one life aspect and subject.

By Neutral i mean that state where Consciousness is not yet matured. This is the stage when Human Beings learn from their surroundings and environment and in most of the cases children pursue what they see and it includes both Good and Bad.

If people live in continuous Negative Environment then there is very less chances where people can focus towards the positive aspects because negative aspects arises regularly and at some point it feels almost impossible to stop them.

So, right environment leads to Right Mindset and right mindset will attract right and positive opportunities and in that way people walk on Path Of Growth and vice versa. But in some cases few people achieve exceptional things in most darker times and they become great stories and legends.

So, we cannot neglect some inherent qualities here which cannot be teach and learned, it's by birth. At last i want to say that if we don't want to do one thing but planning, implementing, investing our time and energy into that work or goal then in a way we are inviting the time of Fall Of Foundations and Crisis and Dark Times.

Steem On.


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Stay Blessed.

Spread love and spread kindness.

Thanks and regards, Chiranjeevi Sarikonda


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