Midnight Nightmare (Part 1)

It was 3am midnight. That time of the Saturday morning when the sleep was at its peak, when the cold was intense, when even the nocturnal creatures had retired from from their activities, that time when dreams and nightmares tormented brave men in their sleep, that was when it happened.

"Wake up, wake up Bro!", my sister whispered into my ears at that time of the night when even my ears had gone to rest from the day's activities.

"What is it"?, I probed trying to be as polite as possible, since the frustration of being awoken so suddenly was creeping in. " They are here, get up!", was all she said and she ran out of my room, I heard her footsteps move stealthily towards her own room.

Puzzled, I got up. For a split second I had the craziest thought that we had been expecting a night visitor or something, before it dawned on me who these visitors were.

I heard voices outside, actually I heard whispers. "Jeez! Thieves!", I realised in shock. On this night there was electrical power supply. The security bulbs were shone brightly, the light penetrated my bed room window.

So I rolled off my bed unto the floor. Crawled stealthily towards the place I kept it. Yes my one time dual purpose tool, my dumbbell. Even though I never really scaled the dumbbell to get the exact weight, I just knew it was heavy as hell.

I walked to my sister's room and told her to stay close to me, that I was going to defend her and the house.

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