Scary Steemit Storys creepypasta #1 THE RAKE!

The Rake 


What is the Rake? no one knows really He appears to look like some kind  of dog/man hybrid, having been described in one account as “a naked man  or a large hairless dog.” Furthermore, he has been noted for his  unnatural body position, which appears twisted and distorted, “as if it  had been hit by a car or something

In our first issue of Scary Steemit Storys Creepypastas this one is about a creature that brutally killed several people fake or real that's up to you.  Primarily focused in rural New York state and once found in Idaho, self  proclaimed witnesses told stories of their encounters with a creature of  unknown origin. Emotions ranged from extremely traumatic levels of  fright and discomfort, to an almost childlike sense of playfulness and  curiosity, Several of the involved parties began looking for answers that year. In early 2006, the collaboration had accumulated nearly two dozen  documents dating between the 12th century and present day, spanning 4  continents. In almost all cases, the stories were identical. heres a couple of those storys..


 Journal Entry (translated from Spanish): 1880 

"I have experience the greatest terror. I have experienced the  greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I see his eyes  when I close mine. They are hollow. Black. They saw me and pierced me.  His wet hand. I will not sleep. His voice (unintelligible text). 

 From a Witness: 2006 

 After returning home from a family 4th of July trip to Niagra Falls  in 2003, the witness and her husband awoke at roughly 4am to find  something sitting at the foot of their bed: the man/dog hybrid described  above. Initially, the witness was not afraid; rather, she was concerned  about the creature’s state and wondered whether they were supposed to  help him. It was only when the creature scrambled up the bed, then out  the door towards the children’s rooms that the witness realized that the  creature was not benign. Running out of there room and into the hall,  the witness and her husband flicked on the hall lights, only to see the  creature covered in blood and standing above their daughter Clara. The  creature ran down the stairs, while the witness and her husband ran to  their daughter. She said only four words: “He is the Rake.” Those were the last four words she ever spoke. As the witness’  husband rushed to get Clara to the hospital, he lost control of the  vehicle and drove into a lake. Neither Clara nor the husband survived.

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