Folk Tales from Gascony: The Young Man and the Great Beast with a Human Head, Part 1.



There was once, at Crastes, a village close to the city of Auch, a young man, who had neither father nor mother, and who lived alone in his cottage. This young man was handsome as day, strong and bold as anyone. He was also so, so savvy, that he learned or guessed the hardest things. The people of Crastes often said to him in jest:

“Young man, you are as poor as stones. But it depends on you to try your luck, and become rich as the sea. On the side of the Pyrenees, there is a cave full of gold, guarded by a Great Beast with the head of a man. She has promised half of her gold to whoever answers her three questions. More than a hundred people have already shown up. But they had remained silent, and the Great Beast with a human head ate them alive. See if you want to try your luck."

The young man always replied:

"No, thank you. I don't want to be eaten alive."

At that time there lived, in the castle of Roquefort, a lord who had two sons, and a daughter, honest as gold, and beautiful as the day. The young man saw her. He immediately fell in love with her madly. One evening he went and knocked on the door of the castle of Roquefort.

“Good evening, Miss."

"Good evening my friend. Who are you asking for?"

"Miss, I want to talk to your father."

"My father left this morning to hunt with my two brothers. He hasn't come back yet. What do you want to tell my father?"

"My lady, I want to tell him that I am madly in love with you, and that I want you for my wife."

"My friend, I will be your wife, or I will never marry. Unfortunately, my father is not rich. All his property must go to my brothers. I am entering a convent in Auch tomorrow."

"Mademoiselle, enter the convent of Auch. But don't commit for seven days. I will try my luck. If I die, take the black veil, and become a nun forever. If I come back, I will have enough to make you richer than the greatest ladies in the country."

“My friend, I will do as you said."

"Farewell, Miss. I leave happy."

"Goodbye My friend."

The young man saluted the young lady, and went immediately to find the Archbishop of Auch.

“Good evening, Archbishop of Auch."

"Good evening my friend. What's in it for your service?"

“Archbishop of Auch, I am in love with a young lady, beautiful as the day, and honest as gold. She will never be my wife if I don't get rich soon. I want to try fortune. Before leaving, I came to consult you."

"Speak, my friend."

“Archbishop of Auch, you are a wise and learned man. It is said that there is, on the side of the Mountains, a cave full of gold, guarded by a Great Beast with a human head. She has promised half of her gold to whoever answers her three questions. More than a hundred people have already shown up. But they had remained silent, and the Great Beast with a human head ate them alive."

“My friend, you have been told the truth."

Previous Tale: The Return of the Lord

Part 2

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