The 10 stupidest phrases Che Guevara

The ten phrases selected for this article are those of Ernesto authored "Che" Guevara, a cold killer who left worships and whose famous photo many print tees, in frames hanging on the wall or even send tattooed her body in a idolatry that is ignorance which has dangerous.

Che Guevara was a bloody guerrilla, to come to power in Cuba, became a leader equally bloodthirsty. The sentences listed below were all taken from interviews given to Communist newspapers, left of authors of books, official statements, letters and her famous diary.

Ernesto Guevara, Che, who was a key figure in the Cuban revolution, and similarly fought to incite Communist revolutions in several countries in South America, has long been the idol of teenagers left and university Western students due to popularity some of his slogans against capitalism and against consumerism.

Ironically, his most famous portrait, face up and with the beret of a communist guerrilla, has been converted into one of the most famous photographs and widely marketed in history, appearing in all sorts of products, from T-shirts and pens to banners and posters the Obama campaign offices.

However, Che was not an innocent freedom fighter. Nicknamed "El Carnicero de la Cabaña," he is known to have ordered the execution of hundreds of people who were suspected of "treason" the Communist ideology. Often held by their commanders and soldiers without trial and many times these shootings were made by Che himself.

After getting hold of success with Cuba, Guevara went to order the arrest of homosexuals and religious, likewise, ordered the execution of all political dissidents, restricted to short hardness independent press, banned the rock and roll and took the economy Cuban into the abyss and complete breakdown.

The ten most stupid things said by Che Guevara:

1. "Youth must refrain from making questions about government orders. And instead should focus on studying, work and military service. "

2. "Young people should learn to think and act in droves. It is criminal to think as individuals. "

3. During the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962, Che supported Fidel Castro in the nuclear confrontation with the United States. And was disappointed when Khrushchev decided to withdraw the missiles from Cuba, at the threat of nuclear war (read about the Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev). He told the British reporter Sam Russel socialist newspaper Daily Worker that "If the missiles had remained (in Cuba), we would have used them against the heart of the United States, including New York. We must never accept a peaceful coexistence. In this struggle of the two systems we have to come to the death of one of them, to reach the final victory. We must walk the path of liberation even if it costs millions of atomic victims. "

4. "We need to end all the papers. The revolution can not be achieved with the freedom of the press. "

5. "To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become on a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. "

6. "Hatred is the central element of our struggle! Hate is so violent that drives the human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into a killing machine with violence and cold-blooded, Our soldiers must be thus. "

7.   In 1952, in comments regarding the population of African origin in Venezuela, Guevara express what you think about "black" and racism Che is evident in these comments in his diary: "The blacks, the same magnificent specimens of the African race who maintained their racial purity thanks to little attachment they have to the bathroom, saw their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese [...] contempt and poverty unite the daily struggle, but differently face life separates them completely; the indolent and dreamy black spend your buck at any frivolity or fun, while the European has a tradition of working and saving that haunts him to these parts of America and leads to progress. " (Castañeda, 2006, p.75; Kalfon, 1998, p.87).

After arriving to Costa Rica, he wrote the following: "I was outside with Socorro a bold [neguinha] I had arranged, with 16 years on the back and more pissed than a chicken." (Anderson, 1997 p.143)

In a radio interview shortly after his return to Havana, Che Guevara provided a good track than black and mulatto Cubans should expect from their future on the island. A prominent Cuban businessman named Luis Pons, who happened to be black, asked, therefore, Che what were the plans of the revolution for the colored population. "We will by blacks and mulattos exactly what they did for the revolution," countered Guevara. "In other words, nothing." (Fontova, 2009, p.241)

8.  And he continues "... the indolent and dreamy black, spend their pesos (Cuban currency) in any pittance or drink, the European has a tradition of working and saving which follows him to the heart of America and boosts to progress, regardless of their own individual aspirations. " The film "The Motorcycle Diaries" omitted this inconvenient observation diary of Che Guevara.

9.  On 18 February 1957 the peasant guide Eutimio War, accused of passing information to the enemy, is accused by the rebels and sentenced to death. At the time of execution, his comrades not decided whether they would kill him to death or otherwise, and that's when Che prospers, pulls out his gun and shoots himself in the temple of Eutimio region, describing this act in his diary: "... I ended the problem giving him his temple right a pistol shot [size] 32 [...] by checking it belongings could not get tied watch with a chain on his belt, so he told me with a distant voice and without trembling: 'start, boy, everything ...' that was what I did, and his belongings came to my power "Then Che wrote in his diary:". Run a human being is something ugly, but exemplary.

10. In a letter to his father referring to this implementation writes: "I must confess to you, Father, that at that time I discovered that I really like to kill."

If any of your friend or someone you know owns a shirt, a poster or tattoo with the image of Che, share this article to know the true face of the commander Che Guevara.

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