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The rush of sleeping in.

There is some kind of magic that flows through someone when they wake up late for work.

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Suddenly the task that generally takes them approximately 30mins to complete takes but a few second.

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This was the case this morning in my house as I struggled waking up myself, now usually Mr goldencookie's alarm wakes me and I wake him. I tried that this morning but to no avail. Suddenly something in the back of my mind said look at the time.

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The little annoyance that I had to climb over my husband to look at his phone soon melted away to panic as I realized we not only slept in a little late. He was really late.

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With no tact at all I basically almost yell at my husband to wake up because he is late. He then too took the time to look at his phone first. I have never soon anyone get out of bed that fast.

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He got dressed even faster and was going to walk out the door without giving me a kiss a few (like 2 min later)but I reminded him and he at least took his time kissing me goodbye.

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I have to admit that although watching my husband get dressed like a magician was funny, it is not really something I would wish on anyone.

Good morning Steemians and have a great day

