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The story has been told 32 times (full and final)

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3rd September, 2016. Lucksum Railway station, Afternoon, the weather was cloudy it could be a storm. Mr. Rawnak Roy was waiting. His train was already 2 hours late. He had an important meeting to attend in the next morning; all the foreign delegates will be there. He was going to Chittagong. He was staring at his watch, it was 4.52 pm.

“Please, take this tea” suddenly, a stranger speaks. “I’m Mr. Rashid, a school teacher” he introduced himself. Mr. Roy replied “Nice to meet you Mr. Rashid, I’m Rawnak Roy, Business man. However, thank you for the tea!” Mr. Rashid said, “Your train will be late, could be more 3 or 4 hours. So relax and sit down”. “How do you know that...?” Mr. Roy asked. Then Rashid replied, “My wife is on that train, coming from Dhaka. That train has some problem with the engine, it stuck on the way.”

Mr. Rawnak sited down, and the first time he saw Mr. Rashid looks very smart and he was a very gentleman, his age could be 50 years but he looks fresh and happy. He wears a white Hawaii shirt; blue flowers are printed on it. Mr. Rashid said “I’m 56 years old, and this is my 32nd marriage anniversary. Every year, I came here and wait for my wife. No matter, how lately the train comes” Mr. Roy said, “Congrats; you must be a happy man”. Mr. Rashid laughs out and said, “Yes, I’m! And I want to tell you a story of my life”. Then Mr. Rashid started to tell his story,

“When I was graduate student at university, I used to go for classes and then return to the dorm and study. My life was so simple with some regular works that I always used to do. I had no other life, no fun, no game, not even any girlfriend or friend. No girls even talked to me, I don’t know why. But i wasn’t that bad looking. I was beautiful enough than the others, may be that beauty didn’t make me attractive. I always felt so empty from inside, and I always searched something to fill me up. But nothing attracts me well.

One day, when I went to my laboratory, I saw a new girl, whom I never see before. She was wearing a blue skirt with little white flowers on it and her eyes looks like deep Blue Ocean, silent and sharp. She was really beautiful. I never felt such a feeling in my heart before. That night, I couldn’t study. I felt that I am not empty anymore. After that, I never wanted to miss my laboratory class. She was like me, i never seen her talk to anyone, she just used to finish her class and got into her car. I couldn’t dare to talk with her. On the other hand she never gave me any chance to talk; even I didn’t know her name.
Then one day, I asked her driver where she came from and what was the address of her? The driver told me the Address. She lived in Banasri.
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After someday, I decided to meet her. So, I went to her resident according to the address, the driver told me. The guards asked me, whom I want to meet? I replied with a question “how many daughter your master have?” He said, “Only one.” Then I give him a note for the girl. I was so sure, when she’ll see the note she will come out.

On the note I wrote that, “I LOVE YOU. If you do not come out and take my hand, I will be standing outside until death”. I was standing in front of the gate under a tree. It had been a long time, but no response came from inside of the house. Slowly the night was growing and rain started to fall and I was standing for the infinity. In the morning i got fever and became sick. When I opened my eyes I saw two or three cars parked on the road along with a police van. I couldn’t get up, I stayed after.
After sometime I saw her coming towards me, but my eyes was blurred I couldn’t see clearly. When she came more close to me, my heart was stopped to beating on that moment. I recognized that, she wasn’t the girl whom I saw in my classroom and for whom I felt something in my heart. I came into the wrong address or the driver gave me the wrong address. Oh GOD! Was it needed to happen with me? I asked myself. The girl’s eyes was full of tears and she was surprised to thinking that was it really someone doing this for her! She asked me to wake up and hold her hand. I had no other options on that moment and I did it, And I still holding her hand for last 32 years. But I never let her know the real story.”

Mr. Rawnak Roy said, “That was really an interesting story. So, you have said this story to unknown people all this years?” Mr. Rashid replied, “Yes! I did it every year on this day. The story has been told 32 times. And this is the last time”. Mr. Rawnak asked “Why? This is the last time?” Rashid said, “Last night my wife died in Dhaka Hospital and her coffin is on the train”.

Thank you for stopping by, and read my story. Feel free to comment your advice, opinions and questions.