Star Wars: The Very Realistic Luke Skywalker Impersonator

One of these pictures is of Mark Hamill from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, while the other is of a man dressed like Luke Skywalker at a local Minor League Baseball Game.

Sure, there is a noticeable difference between the two men, but when you are at a baseball game, you wouldn’t be holding up a picture right next to him to compare and contrast. When you are sitting in the stands and see him a section over, he looks like Luke Skywalker, not just a man in a cheap costume.

When I was younger, I was fascinated by everything Star Wars. I had action figures, legos, and even a little crush on Padmé (Natalie Portman). I had watched the original Trilogy so many times on our old VHS player. I grew up admiring the characters and longing to be a Jedi.

Needless to say, my goal of being gifted with the power of the force did not end up coming true, but sometimes dreams aren’t meant to be true. I mean, come on, I definitely could not handle fighting an army of clones with Harrison Ford and some big, hairy monster.

I hope there were some young kids at that game who saw the man in the costume and said to themselves, “That IS Luke Skywalker.” I hope those kids have the same dreams that I used to. I hope they are able to fend off armies of clones.

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