Mind vs body

Sometimes, we experience the battle between mind and body. Today I experience one such thing.

It was early in the morning around 4 a.m and the temperature suddenly dropped down. It was very cools in the room and my blanket could not withstanding the cold. I was in a deep sleep(wearing a short and did not wear any t-shirt) slightly stsrted shivering inside the blanket.

Now the actual battle started. My mind says:
"Go get the sweater from the cupboard"
Which is just beside the bed

but my lazy body says:
"Dude why to get up, take few steps and travel so much distance in this cozy atmosphere to get it, just manage with the blanket" it says.

This battle between mind and body went on for sometime and finally body won over the mind. I think nothing can beat laziness! Wink

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