Oldy but a goody - original story

Wind is howling outside. Rain is violently knocking on the window glass like it is trying to break in. But this house has seen far worse. She is an old girl but she can take it.

A couple inside this old house is sitting by the fire. Air is warm and soothing in the room. It is not too hot, you still need a light blanket to be fully comfortable, just perfect for the winter period.The crackling sound of burning wood is the sound that transforms this old brick structure into a warm, loving home, their home. Home for the couple that is probably older than the house itself. They too have endured far worse in their lives, just like their home. A stormy weather surely cannot intimidate old Vana and Bobby.

Bobby is sitting in his favourite chair, reading today's newspaper. No article will be unread. Every news will be analysed by his still sharp mind. His heart skipped a beat when he got to the part where some young politician is treating with war to some obscure country half a world apart from this, house, this chair. Stupid kid, he wouldn't be saying this if he saw what Bobby saw.
Old men deserve some peace in their favourite chairs.
You know, she bought this chair for him for their first anniversary. It was love at first sight. Both the girl and the chair or maybe he loved the chair because he loved the girl. He takes a quick peek at her. He is but a boy again, looking at her with the same admiration and respect like he did 55 years ago in that stupid dance party his friend made him go.

She is struggling to read an old love story. Nothing can beat a good old love story, kids these days don't know what love is. She just got to the good part where Marc de Asis is pledging his eternal love to beautiful but poor Maria, even though they just met.
The letters are becoming foggy and hard to read. When she stretches her arms, it gets better a little, but still too hard to read. But that little obstacle will surely not stop her from reading this gem of a book.
When she thinks about it, he was a lot like this Marc fellow. He too realized they were meant to be together forever on their first date. At the time she thought he was just playing silly. How wrong was she? He really meant it. Look he is still there. He is always there, where a husband should be, besides his wife.

But she can not soften now, she is still mad at him. The entire day has passed and he still hasn't mentioned their anniversary. Has he really forgotten, our first date? This would the first time in 55 years.

Still looking at him and feeling angry the book slipped from her lap on the ground. Bobby jumped like it was a matter of life and death to pick that book up for her.

"Look at him"- she thought,

"Even after a back surgery he still remains a cavalier, like he always was. I can't be mad at him for forgetting, after all, we are getting old."

"Here you go, honey!" - he offered her the book still kneeling on the hardwood floor, ignoring his back pain.

She smiled at him, taking the book. Who can be angry at this beautiful man?


When he gave her the book, he still remained kneeling, hiding his pain. With the sound of an old clock striking 7 pm, Bobby reached into his left pocket and presented her with a small box.
"Vana, honey, I still feel the exact same fire in my chest when I look at you like I did 55 years ago. You were, you are and you always will be the love of my life. I have read that some couples renew their vows from time to time. So now Vana, my love I ask you -will you continue being my wife until death do us apart, and even beyond that?"

He then opened a box showing the ring that was exactly the same as the original engagement ring but only this one had a small diamond in it.

She was stunned. After so many years he always finds a way to surprise. She is still a stupid young girl near him. Of course, he didn't forget, he was just waiting for 7 pm, the exact same time of their first date. He remembers everything.
She was so taken by surprise that she couldn't speak. She could not help her self but to shed a tear. She wanted to scream YES, but the emotions were bubbling in her throat, she only managed to go down to the floor to him and hug him.

Exactly the same as the first time, they got engaged.

And they lived happily ever after!


I am in a gentle mood today - be good to your partners, forever and ever. Look after each other. Love trumps everything.
Take care all.

Image sources - Pinterest

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