The Legends Of Murray Part 5: The Guru

Murray decides he should take the quickest route to get to Vancouver, so he took the 82 chevette onto the Princeton Kamloops hiway, the old car rattles and shakes, it appeared the engine was starting to act up, it seemed perfectly fine before, perhaps during through the rocky mountains earlier gave the car some damage. However Murray was determined to make it to the city of Vancouver, he hasn't been there in like twenty years, when his ex wife Samantha and him went on a honeymoon there, it seemed like an amazing place, they hung out in a place called Studio 54, Murray was very curious what happened to that city.
As Murray finally arrives in Vancouver, Murray is shocked when he starts driving down East Hastings St, the streets were full with people, but something seemed off, the peoples movements were very slow, their eyes were vacant and lifeless, Murray came to the conclusion that maybee the zombie apocalypse, like in that comic book the Walking Dead or that tv series.
Fear grips Murray and he decides that he has to get the heck out of dodge and leave the city of Vancouver, he takes the chevette on to one of those fairy boats to go to Vancouver Island, that should be a safe place, he heard people always talking about Tofino is the place to be.
The drive to Tofino was long, but Murray loved the rugged beauty of the coastel landscape, the winding roads and towering trees provided him a sense of peace that he desperately needs, his mind began to wander though, what is the future going to hold.
Murray finally arrived in Tofino, the locals there seemed normal, not like in Vancouver, he felt very safe, so he parked his car by the ocean and took a well deserved nap.
Murray finally woke up and saw a long haired, bearded man, with his flowing locks and his serene demeanor doing some sort of yoga or something to that nature, Murray thought this guy is some sort of guru. This guru snapped out of his yoga stance and walked up to Murray car and said to Murray "This might seem kind of crazy, but you are what I have been waiting for, I saw you in a meditation I just recently had, this isn't sexually don't worry, my name is David, my main principles in life are peace, love and unity. Did you know that our main objective living here on this earth is for this thing called conscious co-creation, I totally believe in the power of positive thinking and manifesting one's desires through intention and action, I do it all the time.
Murray seemed blown away, he never seen anyone that positive before.
David the Guru said to Murray "you must come to my house at once and I will teach you many lessons on how to crack the code, and break free from the system that has been enslaving you for many of years"
Murray responded with "Lets go"
So they went to David's house, it was a humble looking house, David proceeded to tell him about crypto, he got into bitcoin at 20 dollars, he also told him the story about meeting Vitalik Buterin in Toronto at a little place called decentral in Toronto before ETH even came out, so he picked up some many ETH at crazy cheap prices like any where from 60 cents to a dollar in CAD.
David continued to state, now a days you only need 3 or 4 good ideas a year to be financially successful and I use must of the money I earn to spread my message of peace, love and unity. I believe that money can be a force to do good in this world.
Murray responded to David " that sounds great, maybee I should start getting into crypto, I just hear of so many people getting burned though"
David responded with "that's because people like to buy high and sell low, you see people don't realize that there is a time for harvesting and there is a time for reaping, you see most people are all mixed up"
Murray was very impressed with David's words, Murray thought though he needed another nap, but he he one last question for David, it was regarding what was going on in Vancouver, was it a zombie apocalypse? David laughed at the question and said " don't worry, they are just on toooo much drugs over there on east hastings, you are safe Murray"
Murray responded with " Thank god, now I must fall asleep"

it has been a while since I have wrote one of these chapters, check out the ones before





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