Do You Ever Think Up Unusual Video Game Concepts? I can't stop! My latest: 'Escape from King Henry the 8th'


The Charming Backstory:

Our heroine is Marvelle; a fictional wife of King Henry the 8th. She was a tavern girl he spotted and decided to divorce his current wife for (but only after he beheaded her for not providing a male heir).The King was attracted to Marvelle because of her rare beauty which came with a fiery charm. She is rumoured to have stabbed many of the drunken townsmen who invaded her space! 

 Marvelle had known for a long time that she was unable to bear children. She knew she could not simply disclose that fact as the King was known for taking the lives of women who disappointed him in any way.

The Prime Mission:

Avoid ending up as the next woman on Henry's guillotine block!
Kill the King and don't get noticed doing it.
Escape from the castle without getting caught.
Get the hell out of England!

Marvelle has had six months to plot. She knows that a baby is expected soon, and if her secret is out...

Heads will roll! Hers and everyone who is suspected of hiding this from the King! Marvelle's sister is at risk! She must take her sister with her when she flees!Luckily, she has gained a few contacts and hints to begin her plot with.After the initial story board, the game begins in the court yard of the castle. Marvelle sets out to acquire everything she will need to kill Henry and maybe even gain some supporters! The Royalty has many disgruntled servants! Some you may not even suspect. Marvelle just has to play her cards right and gain their trust. 

 There are many rooms in the castle where Marvelle can obtain weapons, poisons, and run into trouble!She needs to find a way to secretly stash all her Queenly assets so she can be set for a life after Henry. But how will Marvelle escape with such a heavy load? She will need the help of the young stable hand! Convincing him has some adult themes! The option is there to earn the love of the stablehand, who will ride off with her to seek a new life!If Romance fails, she will have to find her way out of the castle through the hidden catacoumbs! Only the old Undertaker knows the way through that maze, despite that he has been blind for years now. He can be bribed, but how can Marvelle make certain he won't double-cross her?The only way to kill Henry undetected is some time at night in the chambers of the "His and Hers" castle wing.Will you have Marvelle poison his night cap, stab him in his sleep, or will you discover one of the many other creative ways to kill the old bastard?! There is an especially morbid one which earns a graphically impressive action sequence. So much blood!!!

Level-Up Plot twist!

After you succeed at Murder and begin to make it out of your very spacious wedding chamber, King Henry comes back to life; as a Zombie!


 Zombie-ism is a curse God has put on humans as punishment for insituting Divorce. God is wrathful at this time in history, and it is only fitting that King Henry become the first historical instance of a Zombie in England.Now you have to kill Zombie Henry before he infects everyone! Or you will be blamed for the monstrosity and your plot foiled!He has already infected one of the guards posted near your chambers. He can't be killed easily! Maybe the Wizard in the tower at the top of the castle can find a way to put this monster to rest for good.

Contain Zombie Henry and seek the help of the Wizard!

Why do Wizards always reside in ridiculously high towers? 

 Marvelle reaches the Wizard's domain and he was so delighted to see someone actually interested in his research that he carries on telling Marvelle about his entire life purpose! She reminds the Wizard that time is of the essence!"ah yes, Essence of Time....", the Wizard speaks, "just take some of this and you can quick-travel back to your chambers. Make sure to stab Zombie Henry in the center of the head, as that is the only way to kill the Undead!"

Now Marvelle is able to carry out the rest of her plot!

Will her lover be waiting for a romantic escape to a new, rich life together?Or will she have to navigate through the dusty, cold, wet catacoumbs while describing the surroundings to the old blind Undertaker?You decide! 

author:  @ radioactivities 

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