My story today: Installation of CCTV Cameras in the Telkomsat Office Building, Cibinong - Bogor

Hello teman-teman hivers. apa kabarnya semua? Semoga teman-teman semua selalu dalam keadaan baik, sehat, berlimpah, dan penuh cinta. Aamiin.

Sabtu pagi, setelah masuk kerja malam terakhir, saya telah di jemput oleh kawan saya. Hari ini kami memang ada janji untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan proyek instalasi CCTV di gedung Telkomsat Cibinong, Bogor. Sebenarnya tempatnya bukan di Cibinong, tepatnya di wilayah Cileungsi, yang lokasinya sangat jauh dari kantor kami di sini.

Sekitar pukul 8:30 pagi, kendaraan mobil dinas yang sudah di siapkan untuk mengantarkan kami ke lokasi telah datang. Kami yang berjumlah 4 orang, plus sopir segera berangkat ke lokasi. Untuk mempercepat waktu perjalanan, kami harus lewat jalan tol. Hanya sekitar setengah jam perjalanan, kami telah sampai di lokasi kantor Telkomsat, Cibinong-Bogor.

Hello hivers friends. how are you all? May all friends always be in good condition, healthy, abundant and full of love. Amen.

Saturday morning, after going to work last night, I was picked up by my friend. Today we do have an appointment to complete the work of the CCTV installation project at the Telkomsat Cibinong building, Bogor. Actually the place is not in Cibinong, to be precise in the Cileungsi area, which is very far from our office here.

Around 8:30 am, the official car that had been prepared to take us to the location arrived. We, totaling 4 people, plus the driver immediately went to the location. To speed up travel time, we have to take the toll road. Only about half an hour drive, we have arrived at the location of the Telkomsat office, Cibinong-Bogor.

Saya yang baru pertama kali datang ke gedung Telkomsat, Cibinong masih sangat asing dengan suasana di gedung kantor tersebut. Saya hanya mengikuti arahan dari ketua tim yang bertanggung jawab dengan pengerjaan proyek instalasi CCTV. Kami berempat menuju gudang Telkomsat, tempat di mana kami akan memasang CCTV sebanyak 4 titik, di luar dan dalam gudang tersebut.

Tanpa beristirahat sejenak, begitu kami sampai, saya dan kawan saya segera memulai instalasi pemasangan CCTV, berharap sore nanti bisa cepat selesai. Pekerjaan kali ini cukup menantang karena lokasi titik pemasangan unit-unit CCTV yang sulit di jangkau. Belum lagi dengan instalasi kabel CCTV yang harus rapi di bungkus pipa kabel.

This is the first time I have come to the Telkomsat building, Cibinong, I am still very unfamiliar with the atmosphere in the office building. I only followed the direction of the team leader who was responsible for working on the CCTV installation project. The four of us headed to the Telkomsat warehouse, where we will install 4 CCTV points, outside and inside the warehouse.

Without resting for a moment, as soon as we arrived, my friend and I immediately started the installation of CCTV installations, hoping that this afternoon it could be finished quickly. This work is quite challenging because the location of the installation points for CCTV units is difficult to reach. Not to mention the installation of CCTV cables that must be neatly wrapped in cable pipes.

Beberapa menit kemudian, saat kami sedang sibuk dengan pekerjaan instalasi CCTV, datang 3 kawan kami yang lainnya dengan menggunakan mobil box. Ternyata mereka datang ke sini, akan memasang canopy di gudang yang sedang kami pasangi CCTV. Proyek lainnya lagi dari kantor tempat kami bekerja. Pekerjaan yang hanya bisa di kerjakan saat kami libur kerja, karena sifatnya proyek.

A few minutes later, when we were busy with CCTV installation work, 3 of our other friends came in a box car. It turned out that they came here, going to install a canopy in the warehouse where we were installing CCTV. Another project from the office where we work. Work that can only be done when we are off work, because it is a project.

Kami melakukan pekerjaan kami masing-masing. Tertunda sejenak untuk istirahat makan siang dan kami segera lanjutkan lagi pekerjaan kami agar bisa cepat selesai. Tapi sayangnya tiba-tiba langit mulai gelap mendung, hujan mulai turun. Tapi kami tetap melanjutkan pekerjaan kami dengan penuh semangat. Pekerjaan instalasi CCTC yang sedang kami selesaikan harus selesai hari ini.

Kawan-kawan saya yang tadi mengerjakan pemasangan canopy, ternyata sudah selesai dengan pekerjaannya. Mereka kembali pulang sekitar pukul 2 siang. Sedangkan pekerjaan kami masih belum setengahnya selesai. Kami harus berpindah-pindah lokasi pemasangan CCTV, di luar dan di dalam gudang. Hingga akhirnya pukul 22:30 malam pekerjaan instalasi CCTC selesai juga. Setelah di lakukan penyetingan kamera CCTC dan semua unit CCTV sudah on, kami berempat segera pulang ke rumah.

Itu saja cerita dari saya untuk hari ini yang bisa saya bagikan di komunitas Hive ini. Terima kasih atas supportnya.

We each do our jobs. Delayed for a moment for lunch break and we immediately resume our work so we can finish quickly. But unfortunately suddenly the sky began to darken overcast, it started to rain. But we still continue our work with enthusiasm. The CCTC installation work that we are currently completing should be finished today.

My friends, who had been working on the canopy installation, turned out to have finished their work. They returned home around 2 pm. Meanwhile, our work is still not half done. We had to move around the CCTV installation location, outside and inside the warehouse. Until finally at 22:30 at night the CCTC installation work was also finished. After the CCTC camera was set up and all the CCTV units were on, the four of us immediately returned home.

That's all my story for today that I can share in this Hive community. Thank you for the support.

ModelInfinix Hot 12
Original Picture@parung76

Thank You

Best Regard,


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