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Madam koi koi

After past midnight in the dormitories when it is all dark and lights out and all the students are fast asleep, that is when she comes, her ghost haunts out of revenge and bitterness because she swore not to forgive and no mercyred-heels.jpg

In the thick dark night you can hear her foot steps as she walks and her red high heel shoe making this sound "koi koi koi......." The ghost of "Madam koi koi" they call her and she comes to snatch away and scar children in the boarding schools while they sleep.
The story goes that she was a teacher in a boarding school who discipline the students for every and no reasons cos she enjoys using the cane on them and likes to hear students beg for mercy . She was a very harsh teacher but also a fashionable one too as she was known for her high red heel shoe she wore that makes the sound koi koi koi when ever she walks and her foot steps is heard from a far and that is how she got her nickname Madam koi koi.
The students were always terrified of Madam koi koi because she was too rigid and her temper was as hot as fire. She was accused of slapping a student which resulted to a medical problem and the student had difficulties hearing. Madam koi koi denied ever hitting the child but was fired from work because the child was pulled out from the boarding school and some other parents followed too.
Madam koi koi cried out of bitterness and swore never to forgive the school for the injustice. Madman koi koi packed her things out from the staff quarters into a bus and journeyed back home but sadly she died in a car accident on her trip. Her ghost was never at rest nor peace and she started haunting boarding schools dormitories at night after lights out in search of that student who accused her and leaving behind scared children whom happens to be her victims while she comes at night till this day.
If you are in a boarding school and you hear the sound of a high heel walking in the dead dark night koi koi koi, know that Madam koi koi ghost has come for you.