the origin of F.U.C.K

*If you can't say "Fuck" you can't say government* -Lenny Bruce
hi steemian, i think you'll know the word "fuck" for sure. this word are ussualy used to morking or some offensive word. but did you know when the first time this word used to,?


FUCK is acronym of Fornication Under Consent of The King. where's the word used to permission of the king of englang to have sex. the.card of FUCK will be put on the door when the married couple mating.
and it also put on old poetry named "flen flyys", it wrote xddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk in english meaning they are not in heaven because they fuck wives of ely

and the why the midlle finger,?
long time ago theres is theatrical Comedy ancient greek called the clouds by Aristophanes. In one part story, there are a politican who trying to mock his opponents of by showing the middle finger ( be performed as if out of the groin ), which means poop. by the goes by this means constantly change but still with the aim of negative or made fun of someone (morking by now)

**From Aceh with Love** salam manis cucoe raja
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