Bandung city

This morning, Bandung is embraced fog feels syahdu. On the first day, Monday morning, Pasupati became the presenter.
At 6 am, the usual time the flow of capital, into a strong race event: Footsteps rushed, roaring engines growled, fumes billowing. Fight in despair and spirit to stay alive.
At 6 am, from the distance my eyes looked at Pasupati. The luminescence light has been extinguished, replaced by a slowly spinning wheel of the vehicle. Bandung is not as close as Jakarta, although I'm sure, there's always a hurry to climb the pace.
At 6 o'clock in the morning, from Pasupati's point of view. Bandung is not as busy as Jakarta my selal. Permit a short break, before returning home run. To live, that's what I want.
. 🎼: You are my wish - The Heat in the Bank

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