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How Do I Turn My Passion Into a Career?


My name is Katie and I live just outside of Boston, MA. I am 22 years old, and finishing my last semester of college majoring in business management!
So here's where my story begins. Last June, following my junior year of college, and I was planning on going to New Zealand for an internship. Within 24 hours, my plans changed, and I was suddenly going to Mumbai, India for an internship.
I honestly believe everything happens for a reason and this trip was one of them. My trip turned from a one month trip to 6 months, and I fell in love with India. I fell in love with the culture, the warmth of the people, the AMAZING food and diversity of the country as a whole.
My trip to India gave me the confidence to travel on my own, talk to strangers, and feel comfortable in the unknown. For the first time in my life, I felt 100% whole, happy, and present. I realized that what made me truly happy was experiencing other cultures and being out of my comfort zone.
When people asked me why on earth I was choosing to stay in India for so long, I found myself telling people it was the CULTURE that I fell in love with.
I realized one MAJOR issue in today's world - we are so quick to judge, brush off, or ignore what is foreign to us. We all have preconceived notions that our way is the "right" way - and we are all quick to judge. And that's where I found my true passion. I want to shed light on the fact that every culture, every country, every society is beautiful, unique, and good - and that if we explore each new thing with an open mind, we are able to see the true beauty that surrounds us on this earth. So!
I thought if there's one group who might be able to give me some brilliant ideas, it's this one. All that I want to do with my life is help create a more positive, open view of other cultures, and to help bridge cross-cultural gaps that hinder us as a whole. How do I turn my passion into a career?! Thanks for those that read this!

(also if anyone's curious, this picture is before an 8 day motorcycle trip through the Ladakh region of the Himalayas (rode pillion though😂))
