The experience of being father first time


In January of 2015 my girlfriend at that time, now my wife, give me the news that was pregnant, I am not going to deny that I scared, but at the same time I felt joy that baby that it was forming.

 That news led me to change a lot! I'd been a student, without a source of income at the time, so obviously this had to change. Since I didn't want to work for somebody else, I decided to do something different that would really help, which I achieved with bitcoin which I wrote about in this article:

 I joined my wife , where I was watching as every month I grew more baby that in those nine months.

 While more approaching the date of his birth, more nervous I already put that I was afraid, because I didn't know if it would be a good father. 

 The 28 of September of the 2015 was born my son Sebastian Gabriel, that was one of them days more cute that have lived in my life, load it by first time, see their hands, their face, their feet. cry of joy, having it in my arms so small, I started very nervous, since he saw how fragile that was. 

 Since that time has been a great experience for me; the take it to the pediatrician to them put their vaccines, the see it grow in these months, the hear their first word, the see their first steps. 

 Currently has 11 months and at end of this month goes to meet his first year; of truth that Sebastian me has given the opportunity of be father, of live this experience, I would leave my life by the, I am immensely happy of that is part of my life, thanks to my wife Carla Sanchez by have I given to my baby.

Follow me: @luisucv34

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