the beauty of god's power

Do you know if butterflies are born without wings? Do you know how long the life of butterflies? Ever ga we still admire the name of this butterfly. Hmm ,, If you ever have a moment and think we can learn from this one insect. Butterflies teach us to be 'Beautiful in time'
It should be able to motivate us. As a butterfly it takes 4-5 times to change skin. Things are not easy indeed but it's good we sample butterflies. Believe deh someday we will be able to succeed and feel 'beauty' Enjoy your life aja.
You are like a butterfly, you are born without 'wings', a time when your wings have appeared you can fly. Like the story of the bees I've told you before. Bees that are born have wings but humans say if the bees can not fly. Yaa, but want to how the bees are ignorant and ignorant ga ignorant they will finally be able to fly and penetrate the boundaries given the human.
Had the bee know if he can not fly, maybe aja till now he will never be able to fly. Suppose we are butterflies whether we can enjoy the beauty that exists even if only briefly? butterflies just do his job, when the caterpillar is the biggest try for him to avoid predators and survive. Like our phase 'caterpillar' is the phase where we are being tested. If we have passed the test stage believe me you will be a butterfly who has beautiful wings. image# header

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