For how long can you love a friend?


This is a story about a sisterly love between two friends.
For how long can you love a friend who you consider as one of the best?

Born and raised by two different families, Jane and Anne were of different characters and different beliefs. Despite the differences, both found a sister in each other. A sister, a friend, and a home.

Late night talks, small talks, and gossips, both share the same with each other the same way they share knowledge, ideas, and arguments. Inseparable when in the office and still talk on the phone about everything under the sun when away. Truly, the same wavelength that Jane and Anne had that made the bond strong.

When one ran out of money, the other was to the rescue. When one had no food to eat, the other was to take the job finding some. When one was heart-broken, the other was the shoulder to cry on... and when one was feeling down, the other one was to lift the other up.
They always got each other.

True signs of friendship that they both promised to keep... but failed.

It was one bright day. Jane was invited to Anne's other friend's wedding. Other invited visitors were of Anne's friends including her boyfriend and Jane was alone with no other close friends but Anne.

Not familiar with the place, Jane was confident that everything would be fine as long as Anne was around her. Jane was a non-drinker and could not keep up with Anne's friends, thus, decided to sit by the corner reading articles on her phone. When she decided to look for her friend, Anne was nowhere to be found. She knew noone of Anne's friend but took the courage to ask. "Have you seen Anne?" she asked. "Yah! She left with her boyfriend." the man the replied.

"Left without telling me considering that I know noone of her friends?" Jane just said to herself. Jane kept the faith for she knew that Anne would come back for her and Anne did. She came back.

"Why did you not tell me you would leave?". Jane asked Anne. "You were busy with your phone and you're silent at the corner anyway so I thought you would not notice". Anne said her sorry and Jane forgave her despite teary eyes.

Jane was mad due to such disrespect but chose to forgive Anne to save the friendship. The two continued being friends and became more open to each other about that kind of matter... until one day.

Anne went back to her hometown for few days leaving Jane in their rented apartment. Anne said she would purchase some stuff to make their apartment look more pleasing which Jane agreed with. She asked Jane to meet her at the bus station at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon to help her carry the stuff. Jane agreed as she had no prior commitment that day and she was given an exact time to keep track of.

Jane called Anne at around 10 o'clock in the morning and asked about her current situation. Her friend confirmed that she was at the mall pampering herself which made Jane feel just fine since it was still early in the morning.

The next moment, Jane's father called and asked if she could meet him that day but Jane said no because of prior commitment with Anne although it's not all the time that she got to see her father.

Came 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Jane called Anne to know how close she was to the bus station so she could prepare to pick her friend up. Anne confirmed that she was still at the mall and it made Jane mad knowing how far the mall was from the bus station itself.

Jane then did not reply and just waited for Anne to send a message which turned out to be 6 o'clock.

Wasting her time waiting, Jane approached Anne calmly telling her that she could have met her father that day if only Anne told her right away that she could not make it on time. "You said you have no errands to run today so why is it a big deal?". Just how irresponsible Anne was, "I valued your time but you did not value mine", Jane said in her mind pertaining to Anne. Feeling mad and disappointed, Jane still forgave her friend for the second time around.

She continued being understanding but took the courage to tell her her friend "Whenever you're happy, you forget about what's important and you forget about me. That's the problem with you". Anne admitted that she's aware of that problem of her and said her sorry. Jane forgave Anne and everything became as bright as the sunshine again... until one day.

Jane got interested in a man who soon became friends with Anne too, Raver. Jane went out with Raver a couple of times and enjoyed the times being with him. Having butterflies in her stomach, everyday was sunny day for Jane... until one day.

Jane saw Anne talking to the man of her dreams. It was fine at first as she also wanted her friend to be friends with Raver until the moment Anne came home with Raver, carrying a bottle of alcohol in her hands. Anne and her boyfriend decided to have a drink with Raver. Since Jane could not keep-up with their drinking, she just decided to get some sleep but talked to Anne the next morning.

"I know you might think that I am not in the position to tell this but you already got a boyfriend and you know how much I like Raver. Can you do me a favor and stay away from him?". A simple request that Jane hopefully expected Anne would do. "Why will I stay away from him? I am friendly. Why will I change myself for you"?

Statements that made Jane stop for a while. Jane decided to shake everything off and just forgive Anne for what she said. "They're just friends and that's what I wanted to happen anyway.". It was still fine that time... until one day.

Jane went back to her home town and decided to drop by the apartment to check-up on Anne before going to work. Her heart was beating fast for a reason she knew nothing about until the moment she opened the apartment door. Anne was there with the man of her dreams... at 9 o'clock in the morning. Yes, they slept together.

Chills down her spine was what she felt. Speechless, she entered the door and went to the room to grab anything and went back to the living room wearing a fake smile. Anne was looking normal as if nothing was going on and even asked her to have breakfast with them. "The audacity. She could even ask me that without winking". Jane said in her mind behind the smile she was holding for few minutes.

That moment, Jane realized how much of a heartless Anne had been. How much she had forgiven Anne despite all the disrespect and heartache she received from her. How she was forgotten whenever Anne was at the peak of her happiness. She was aware of it but still continued doing it.

Starting that day, Jane stopped talking to Raver and stopped talking to Anne. She felt really bad and could not imagine how the person she treated as her best friend and sister managed to break her heart repeatedly. Anne approached her one day knowing all her fault and said "You asked me just one thing and I failed to do it. I'm sorry".

To Jane, everything was over. She had forgiven Anne for more than once. From then on, she never thought of Anne and let go of the man of her dreams. For her, if she would have to fight for love against the one she thought would value her feelings, it's never worth it. She chose to love herself more and saved herself instead and walked away. Anne and Raver continued getting along.

So... For how long can you love a friend?
As long as concern is being felt.
As long as love itself is being shown. and...
As long as forgiveness leads to a better change.

Feel free to leave when you're repeatedly hurt.
Feel free to leave when you're starting to feel exhausted. and...
Feel free to leave when friendship itself is no longer serving its purpose.

At the end of the day,
When respect is no longer being served...

Feel free to leave the table.

The connection of the artwork?
It's the gift I gave to Anne on New Year's Eve.

Yes, I am Jane and this my story.

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