Get Your Bounce Back


Life is filled with ups and downs that is capable of weighing us down or make us want to give up on our journey of the fulfillment of destiny.

I have witnessed how the trees also are attacked by the storm and during this period, some will lose their position and some will be wiped away by the storm. In my observation, I noticed that there is one skinny and weightless tree that normally stand strong.

After the hurricane wind, big and small trees were brought down. But there was just one type of tree that seemed to stand stronger than most others in the powerful storm; it was the skinny and weightless palm tree.

Do you know why palm trees held so well in the storm?. Because God designed the palm tree to bend during heavy wind; a palm tree can bend all the way over until its top touches the ground and may still not break.

If palm tree can have this virtue in them that no matter the hurricane or storm attacked, they will still stand strong and continue living after all, then human beings are also exposed to storm and challenges of life and are expected to stand strong.

Beloved, like the palm tree, we might face with the challenges and storm of life that will bend us and it might seem as if there is no way out.
We might have tried several ways to make it through in our chosen career or family and everything seems not working out as expected.

Just like the palm tree, God desires that even if we are bent with hard times, you still need to rise and flourish in all you do. He knows there will be difficult times; He knows things would come against us, trying to steal our joy, our victory. So God said ‘you will be like a palm tree because I've put a bounce-back in you.

It is when the journey of life get tougher that the victory is closer than expected.
The palm tree always sprouts out new leaves after the storm. We are meant to shine forth after a successful battle with the storm of life.

Never give up when you are faced with the storm and challenges of life, there is always light after the whole darkness. Just keep your hope alive.

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