FIRE (An Original Poem)

May the itch
of wanting
to know what's
around each bend
always nag you

your bearings,
may you never
fail to find,
and a pleasant calm
drift over you
and usher tranquil sleep
each night 'till rise and shine

may your soul
always be
at peace
when life takes
you far from home,

may you follow
in the footsteps
of your Father
in whichever
world you choose
to roam

may you be wise enough
not be saddened
by the embers' fading glow,
but have the wit
to build your own warm fire
whenever cold winds blow.

This poem was written as a gift to my nephew, Ryan. Love you, buddy!

Did you miss today's episode of my serialized novel, Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to read it. Reminder: Episode 36 of the novel will return on Thursday, September 22nd at 11AM CST!

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