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The Blessing of The Overturn Roe V Wade - Enjoy with Troy!

By now we have all heard that the US supreme court declared that having an abortion is not a federal constitutional right. It is now up to each state to decide how to proceed on abortion. This was leaked out about a month ago, but voted on today in five four ruling.

There will be those who will see this as a suppression of women's rights and an attack on personal choice. We are going to see protests and riots. But that is the process of the birthing pains as we enter a new era.

When I was young I was pro -choice and pro-abortion. I think the liberal college system has that impact on the minds of youth. However, today I understand how it is suicide for a nation, and morally and spiritually wrong. I am reminded of the scripture 1 Cor 13:11, but I digress.


From 1971 - 1973 we saw the beginning of abortion and the killing of babies. It has been instrumental in reducing the workforce of healthy Americans and the declining strength of the nation... and it has been an attack on the family.

As we completed the 49th year of abortion as a woman's right, we end an era. Cycle analysist, Bo Polny, explains how we are in the 50 year jubilee. Throughout these decades, we have had seven cycles of seven years which is forty nine years. The fiftieth year... or jubilee is the time to restore or give back.

This coincides with the Genesis seventh day of rest...or restitution.

Times of jubilee can be financial restitution to those who have been stolen from, or taken advantage of. It can also be a moral or spiritual restoring of values.. or a coming to God time. We can see this biblically and historically with the Jewish calendar and how God restores the wealth and blessings to Israel.

Polny point out how supreme court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, died on a significant Jewish holy day. This signaled the end of and 49 year cycle and era.

Polny has expressed how the USA is the gentile version, comparable to Israel. Since 1973, God turned his back on America because we chose to kill his children and make pedophilia Satanic sacrifices. Now that Roe v Wade has been overturned, He has reaffirmed his commitment to us as a nation and will bless us. It is my understanding this will be on a state by state basis, dependent on each state's legal jurisdiction on abortion.

I am reminded of the well know Bible scripture - If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. - 2 Chronicles 7:14

Healing the land will be a blessing for America. We only need to get through the protests and birthing pains of this new era.

Could the CPS be outlawed in the future?

This is a win for families, as we enter this new era. With the abortion ruling, this well may propel more rulings. This could be the first step in eradicating corruption throughout our nation. At some point, it could well lead to outlawing of gay marriage, sodomy, and the kidnapping of children by the Child Protective Services, (CPS), and child trafficking in America.

But for now, we celebration a victory for families and freedom.

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