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Round Earth? Flat Earth? Introducing Crater Earth!

So my husband and I like to spend our nights before hitting the hay having discussions about all manner of things. Sometimes we make goals and plans for the future, and other times we simply speculate on the nature of this plane of existence.

One thing that has remained consistent for many years, according to our current level of knowledge and belief, is that we are Immortal living spirits having an earthly experience. When I have a flying dream, for example, I wake up with the knowledge on what it feels like to fly. In body, not in a machine of some kind. It's indescribable and nothing in this current existence explains how I could know such a feeling. The same with those free falling dreams, as I've never dropped from anything higher than about five feet.


Really it all comes back to these two things- we don't know where we came from before this current incarnation began, and we don't know where we go once we leave it. As far as I'm aware, these are unknowable, unanswerable questions. But it's a whole lot of fun to speculate!

Our current topic of conversation sprang from an argument between friends on the shape of the earth. One insists we've been told the whole truth, that it's a round spinning ball in space and that's that. The other insists we've been lied to and that it's actually a flat plane.

Flat earth, in our opinion, just doesn't hold up. And it is definitely true that our history has been skewed, enough so that it is certainly possible that the current commonly held belief is also lacking. So we decided to examine an alternative option to both of these.

What if the earth was actually inside of a crater, under a dome?

We've all heard tales of how you can't sail past certain points on the "globe". The poles are heavily monitored for instance, and there are many legends that have sprung from the ice wall of Antarctica, and many story ideas, like The Truman Show have sprung from these ideas.

If this were in fact a crater on a much larger surface- imagine an egg shaped moon rock, and each indent is a potential "alien planet"- and the sun was at the center of this egg- essentially the yolk- and the dome (we know it as the Van Etten belt) is made from something that we just do not have the technology to penetrate, but it is clear and therefore what we call stars are actually the sun's reflection off of the many other craters on the surface of the egg. The moon, is just a disc like piece of shell debris that also reflects the sun and gives us light at night. And other craters might not have any moon like debris, while others may have multiples.

Actually, if you've ever seen a garden in a bottle, then you can imagine each of these craters is like that.


Learn how to grow a bottle garden here!

"Bottle gardens work because their sealed space creates an entirely self-sufficient ecosystem in which plants can survive by using photosynthesis to recycle nutrients. The only external input needed to keep the plant going is light, since this provides it with the energy it needs to create its own food and continue to grow." Check out the article here


So each of these craters were initially populated with some kind of organic life, and over the epochs, that life radically changed. Since all that would be needed to keep them going is sunlight based on this idea, it would in fact be possible for there to be many other life forms and species springing forth in other craters.


Now is where the idea gets really fun- so many potential ways to explain the many different myths and legends! Giants and Bigfoot, reptilian creatures and shape shifters. The beings from fairy tales. The nature of this particular crater, who is in control and why. And where does gold fit in to it all?

My hubs wrote an outline based on this idea, with a theory of our evolution here, incorporating some of these legends, but since it's long and I want to also include my own thoughts, I will make a follow up post with it tomorrow. If nothing else, it makes for an excellent start to a sci-fi novel!

We are stardust...