Check your backyard there is a growing anomaly spreading like a virus and as we humans evolve around the internet we are increasingly exposed to its hazards.

What is it? Bullying

We have all kinds of bullying, cyber-bullying is most rampant this days. This story is meant to be a campaign against bullying and that is why I am rewarding readers who would spread the love and say NO TO BULLYING!

It is also a call to parents to be more cautious and never to assume that all is well.





Loud thoughts
‘’I am starting to get used to Boris and all his tricks. The usual thing is, every morning I kiss Grandma goodbye, I then trek to the spot where the bus driver would stop to pick me . It’s about five minutes walk and when I get there at exactly 7:25 a.m. each day, I am scared already for how the day would go. From Boris scary rants in the bus to beatings I might suffer from him and his crew of friends, I tend to feel the world is not fair. Every morning I feel like a chicken waiting to be killed.”
So this morning as usual, I am at the spot waiting to be picked up by the bus driver. I kind of enjoy where I stay waiting for the bus, it’s not noisy and gives me the opportunity to think on my own. I have just one friend in school and since most of our periods are not together, I am mostly on my own. Not that I am complaining, I love been alone. At least I can suffer alone.
At times I don’t feel like a 12 year old, it’s like I am a teenager. I would like to run away from this town for high school. My only joy is been able to play for the Yankees baseball team as the pitcher in the little league. It’s such a lovely feeling.
Oh! The bus is approaching!
I entered the bus, Boris is sitting in the middle of his friends, Sheeran and Stiles, and he called out to me from the back,
“Rabbit's twin named Tyler how was your night in the baby couch?”

Everyone would laugh, sometimes including the bus driver. It was so much fun to them. But there is a girl in school whose smile never seems to reach her face when I am bullied. She is quite and intelligent always topping the school. Today is no exception; she sits in a corner briefly displaying a white set of teeth. I think I have a crush on her. Her name is Joan.

I quickly find a seat, stare at the window and my world of imagination come back, at times I don’t notice what’s going on around me. It’s a 20 minutes drive to school. It’s already 7:35 a.m. I love my wrist watch, it was gotten for me by grandma though it looks like it didn’t cost a cent, but I admire it a lot. Makes me feel like a computer geek. Geek? Whatever the meaning is. Duh!

“What kind of world celebrates bullying?” I thought aloud. Well it’s another Monday morning after a rather peaceful weekend. Thank God it’s my last year in elementary school. Ooh la!
I got to my locker just in time this morning before the bell is rung for the first period and as I opened my locker it was as though I was watching a horror movie. My eyes were immediately filled with tears. I couldn’t believe it was possible. It was a Monday morning for God’s sake! I was not brought up to be religious, in fact I doubted the existence of any God and this made me question this decision further. How could Boris do this? Not again!

“Hi Tyler! Did you enjoy the early morning tea?” Boris said. Suddenly I heard laughs ringing like a bell around me as I continued crying, my back was turned to Boris. His voice came from behind me. I looked in Boris direction and saw him in the middle of Sheeran and Stiles all laughing hard at how I looked.
It was few minutes before class everyone had to look into my locker and the crazy smell coming from it and I kept wondering if indeed there was a God. In my locker was POOP, obviously put there by Boris and his gang. In any case I have suffered something similar before.
I was once put in the schools’ big dust bin, and no one knew I was there unless of course Sheeran and Stiles who put me there and whom must have been under the influence of gang leader Boris. Refuse was dumped with different shades of smell, oh my! It was a terrible day just like all days where I get bullied. Not until the bin was about to be disposed was I able to get out.
I had to run home on foot no bus for me that day; it would have been bad to do so because I smell so bad. As I ran I silently prayed I would not meet grandma at the door so I could dash to my room and freshen before I went down to eat.
“Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!” the bell just rang for first period. Everyone dispersed; there and then it registered on me how mighty the effect of what Boris had done. I left some of my books in my locker room. First period is Math and here I am my math notebook covered in poop. Damn!
With swollen eyes on a Monday morning I walked slowly to class.


So here is the reward for following this story,

  1. I will be posting the remaining chapters of this story for the next five days, like I said its a campaign, so I will be sharing my payout with my readers, upvoters and those that resteem this particular story.

  2. Been my audience for the next five days would definitely make me a fan of your quality content.

  3. More attention would be paid to those who can also share their bullying stories here in the comment.

Together we could stop bullying, I was a victim kinda and I know how it feels. No wonder some commit suicide.

You can still join us at #dolphinschool bootcamp. Trust me the knowledge gained thus far is priceless.

Lastly @palp keep up the good work. I love your recent poem

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