Guggenheim’s 18-karat toilet open to the public

  •  Public toilets can be the stuff of nightmares, but people will be queuing to use this one. 

THE GUGGENHEIM, in New York, is one of the most famous museums in the world, but it’s never featured a piece quite like this.

A new exhibition opens this weekend, featuring the world’s most extravagant toilet.The masterpiece was created by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, and it’s far more than a treat for the eye. It’s practical, too, taking the concept of “interactivity” to the next level.It’s fully-functioning, installed in a regular unisex cubicle and connected to the plumbing.It’s available for public use, as long as you buy a ticket to the museum — and as an added bonus for young parents, it’s free for children.That’s one way to cast a golden light over the mess of toilet training.Interestingly, the piece is titled “America”.Apparently, the artist wanted to “evoke the American dream” and make an extravagant product available to the everyone. 


A closer look at The Guggenheim's luxurious lavatory.

 he new work makes available to the public an extravagant luxury product seemingly intended for the one per cent,” the Guggenheim said in a statement.

“Its participatory nature, in which viewers are invited to make use of the fixture individually and privately, allows for an experience of unprecedented intimacy with an artwork.”Yep, using an artwork for your private business is one way to become “intimate” pretty quickly.However, it soon becomes clear the curators are having a giggle as well.“Cattelan’s toilet offers a wink to the excesses of the art market but also evokes the American dream of opportunity for all — its utility ultimately reminding us of the inescapable physical realities of our shared humanity.”The luxurious lavatory presents significant maintenance challenges.Due to the use of precious metal, cleaning crews have to use medical wipes instead of regular chemicals, sprucing it up every 15 minutes to maintain hygiene.It will also be periodically steamed and polished.Tickets cost A$19.95, and the exhibit will be open indefinitely. 


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