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Grandma's appearance

I have a lot of stories about the real happenings about the ghost creatures in the place where I lived since childhood. Here is the story where I live, there are many rented places rented by the original indigenous owners (Betawi / Jakarta). There is a very spooky rented contract where the occupants are often harassed by a sighting.

One time it was at 7 pm after the call to prayer, Rizal (renters rented) to perform the isya prayer. Rizal performs his prayers with his khusyu. After the final tahiyatul and greeting Rizal was surprised surprised. In front of him at the end of his prayer rug saw a grandmother sitting looking at him with a sweet smile but his face looked very pale.

Rizal was transfixed to the figure of the grandmother who was in front of him and Rizal could not move anything, what else issued the words (Rizal intends to call his wife who is in the living room and Rizal can only beristighfar in the heart). For about a minute the grandmother was gone and Rizal was able to move. He also immediately told the incident that in nature to his wife.

His wife also said "Maybe it's your grandma, you've sent a prayer for her. It's Friday night, let me send you a letter yasin for him ". Rizal also said "She's not like my grandmother dear, but I also forgot to send her a prayer. All right, maybe my grandmother wants me to pray for her by reading yasin letter "(she finally read her yasin letter to her grandmother, her wife is menstruating, so she can not accompany her husband to read yasin's letter).

His wife went to the bathroom to wash himself, wash his face and brush his teeth, then put on a moisturizer before going to bed facing the mirror (a mirror that appeared to his face mounted on the living room wall). Looking back at the mirror and again coolly polishing his face, how shocked his wife, who was reflected is not his face but the face of a granny with a very keen gaze looked at his eyes.

Moisturizer fell because of shock. While saying "istighfar" the face of the mirrored grandmother was gone and her husband came to ask his wife what happened. His wife also felt weak after experiencing the incident and sat on the couch and told her husband. Apparently the appearance of the grandmother, the same as experienced by her husband. This incident happened repeatedly as long as Rizal and his wife lived in the rented house.

And according to Rizal and his wife after each shubuh adzan often appear the sound of sweeping people using broom stick on the left side of the rented (there is a vacant lot of small coconut trees too) Rizal dare not see it). In front of the rented house there is a way out and there is also Jasa Marga electricity substation (where the spirits gathered / former victims of Toll road construction and accidents).

On the will of his wife, Rizal also moved from the rented house and occupied only about one month. Surprisingly, every one contracted must have experienced a similar incident, and eventually the rent was sold and dismantled and built by the new owner.