This Prayer Iftar When Open With My Friends


Iftar together or with friends all reunian become agenda "mandatory " every Ramadan. Admit, deh, WhatsApp group shall ye did not escape from the subject of this one, right?

You should know that the prayers of the Iftar is done by herself and a rollicking was different.

While the fast, sure we can chat lightly. It made the fraternity became the closer.

Of course, treated breaking the fast is delicious it is remarkable. The hosts are eager to grab the blessing with entertaining us.

Open Prayer Fasting Together

To that end, recommended reply goodness si hosts pray for him. A prayer read pronunciation found in the Hadith narrated by Abu Dawood;

Afthara 'indakum ash shaaimuun wa akala tha'aamakum al abraaru wa shallat 'alaikumul malaa-ikah


** "May those who fast break by your side and people who either eat your bread, as well as the Angel of mendoakanmu."**

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