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A statistically impossible election

The image above is the viral graph that someone made of the vote count in real time in Michigan.

I said in my previous post that I thought Biden cheated. I actually hate politics, loathe it even, but until this election is settled, I will continue to try to compile together what I think is evidence of massive fraud.

Evidence for massive fraud
CNN has claimed that there is "no evidence of widespread voter fraud," and that Trump's lawsuits have gone nowhere, which could not be farther from the truth.

  • Nationally, Biden did worse than Hillary among black voters.

  • Although Biden appears to have done better than Hillary now, shortly after the election, Biden appeared to have won the election despite doing worse than Hillary in nearly every major city. His victory shortly after the election came from just four cities. The cities are Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit, Milwaukee. Here is an article about Biden doing worse than Hillary.

  • Michigan and Wisconsin both have sudden spikes in Biden votes. Trump was leading in both states, and the gap was progressively widening. In both states, the sudden closing of the gap came from a truckload of "mail in ballots."

  • There were many vote switches, where the Biden's numbers in the count switched with Trump's. In every case, this benefitted Biden.

  • There were many uncounted uncovered ballots in the Georgia and Wisconsin recounts. In Georgia, there were two boxes that had about 2,500 uncounted ballots, two thirds of which were for Trump.

  • Before Biden, nobody has ever won 80 million votes. Biden appears to have won 80 million votes despite seeming to be less popular that Hillary. How much of the black community votes for a democrat is a good indicator of their overall popularity.

  • Dominion voting machines use the same software that was used by Hugo Chavez to rig the elections in Venezuela. A record number of Dominion machines appear to have been used in this election.

Statistically impossible
Many mathematicians say that the 2020 election is statistically impossible. It is so extremely unlikely that all these glitches, which happened on a massive scale, all benefitted Biden and none of them benefitted Trump. The probability of all these irregularities and glitches benefitting Biden is about the same probability of reaching into a bag of marbles that has 1,000 green marbles and one red marble, and pulling out a yellow one. Sure, there may be rare nuclear quantum events that can change one type of atom into another, but in order for the marble to change color like that, all of the color molecules and only the color molecules would need to undergo the same rare nuclear transformation process. This is so unlikely, that it the probability of it happening likely lower one in a googol.

A googol is a huge number, a one followed by 100 zeros. The number is so large, that if something has a 1/googol chance of happening, the probability of it occurring can be ignored, and it extremely is unlikely that anyone anywhere will ever observe it happening, even after thousands of years.

Trump's path to victory
Trump still has a path to victory through the supreme court. He makes huge discoveries almost every day with his lawsuits, where more and more irregularities are uncovered. CNN is deliberately not reporting on Trump's progress, likely because they want us to give up.

Don't give up, we are getting closer every day. I think that even though the courts are dragging their feet, they can't do that forever and eventually they will have to vote one way or another. If they vote against it, it will head to the supreme court, which will vote in favor of Trump due to the new judge, Amy Barrett. Also, 30% of democrats now think there may have been fraud in the election, and 20% of democrats think it is highly likely.

Here is an article on the recount in Georgia.