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Hillary Clinton Body Double Saga Day 10- Lazy eyed Double-2 Suspected at Orlando digitally manipulated Rally on 9/21/16

This shit keeps getting weirder.  My last post about this was about the fact that the real Hillary was on Jimmy Fallon a night or two ago.   She was heavy set, had the deep neck creases, she had blue eyes, and her epic cackle was there to greet everyone.  As I'm watching this Orlando rally I can't shake the feeling that she's back to Double-2.

Hillary Clinton has some of the most inspected eyes of anyone on the planet.  Especially since she had her accident and had to wear thick hipster glasses for it the press has been taking close ups of her.  (Wikileaks now states that the brain damage wasn't a fall but a top secret mission in the middle east where a helicopter crashed and she ended up bleed profusely).

People have followed her speeches for years.  While it's possible that a progression of her illnesses has caused her to suffer from new neurological damage it's also possible that this illness is localized to Double-2 and not a problem with the HRC-circa August 2016.  Truthkings suggests it's likely a vaccine injury.  It's possible that this is new since 9/11, but she's had plenty of speeches and all her mannerisms are watched so closely I have a hard time beleiving this was missed for years on end.  My point is that it's new, and it's either a progression of her illness or localized and a "tell" for Double-2.

Here's a gallery of photos taken from the event.  I can't link the images so sorry.  My main problem is that it looks like the images were taken with a digital camera from 1992.  These things are so grainy and out of focus.  We've seen that in other appearances where the scenes appeared to be green screened or rotoscoped after the fact.

Rotoscope example

A prime example of the video manipulation can be found here:

Many have noted that video problems happen from time to time, but what doesn't make sense is that if this is from a single camera how would the camera know exactly what is behind her.  This leads to the suspicion that there are two layers and that only the top layer was malfunctioning in the picture.

You can find a lot of the mishaps starting near the 20 minute mark.

Some of the best evidence of that can be found here.

It's worth noting that researchers have found distinct palm prints for HRC and Double-1 clearly indicating the use of a body double already.  What remains to be seen is if Double-2 is replacing Hillary, augmenting her, supporting her, or what this arrangement looks like.

These hands prints show HRC and Double-1s hands side by side.  You'll notice several large creases missing relative to one another.  These pictures are at most 2 days apart.  That said Double-1 accumulated millions of views and created a whole trending term on Twitter #hillarysbodydouble.  Double-1 hasn't been seen since 9/11.

Double-2 has made several appearances.  She was in Greensboro, on a plane, and held a press conference on the tarmac.  Things to look for with Double-2: an extremely sharp and linear nose, hazel eyes rather than blue eyes, a young face, an approximate 2" neck crease below where an adam's apple would be, the three moles on the right lips are usually not visible, when her eyebrows are raised there aren't deep wrinkles that immediately appear, she's slimmer, thin cheek creases instead of a Joker-esque smile which extends to the middle of her cheek, she moves like a healthy 50 year old woman, and her left front tooth is straight like she's had bracers as opposed to turned in like HRCS.  While subbing for HRC on the campaign trail she gave a number of speeches and her eyes were caught not tracking.  This is an additional "tell" for spotting Double-2.  This is especially important because many of the times that Double-2 is in public the quality of the video and pictures released to the public is poor.

This is a screenshot of the video.  You'll notice the quality is absolutely horrible.  That's not an artifact of the printscreen I use, but an artifact of the extremely low quality resolution that is available for this event.  you can also notice that half of the bleechers couldn't care less that the Democratic Presidential Nominee they came to see is right in front of them.

So, one still shot I took of the rally has her like this at 7:35.

I see 5 main problems with it.  1.  Her right eye is wonky.  2.  The color of her eyes is wrong.  3. The joker's smile doesn't extend to the middle of her cheek.  4. There are no visible moles. 5.  Her eyebrows are up, but there aren't any wrinkles.

There's a side view.  It's hard to see her nose because the resolution sucks, but it looks like it's extremely straight and doesn't lift up at the very end.  Her two front teeth look straightish.  Her jokes smile doesn't extend halfway through her cheek.

Her neck is turned and the mic isn't in the way.  You can see the smile doesn't have the joker's edges on the other side.  Her neck crease at the bottom of her neck is only about 1 inch on one side rather than shooting up to her ear, and the double chin she had last night is gone again.

Here's a full profile shot.  Again the resolution sucks, but her nose appears to be missing a small bump after the bridge and extends down rather than a small point up.  Here a chin wrinkle as her head/neck is fully turned only goes across half of her neck where as on Jimmy Fallon it would cut all the way across.


Brows are raised.  Where are the wrinkles.  I count 1... maybe.  Here she is next to Double-2 from the tarmac press conference.  I'm also including Hillary circa August 2016 for reference.

Here's Double-2's hand.  She has a mole on the bottom left side.  She also has a deep crease that cuts horizontally from the thumb.  Hillary has a crease roughly there, but it isn't this pronounced.  She also doesn't have a mole on her hand there.

Maybe someone can tell me why at 13:44 there is a right angle red mark cut into her hair.  How does that come into existence?  I know I suck at drawing on Paint, and this looks like an artist went too far withe the square brush.


Eyebrows fully up.  No wrinkles.

That's her trotting down the stairs at the end of her speech.  No help necessary.  And moving fast.