Insomnia | Common Causes and Some Helpful Solutions to Eliminate It


I have experienced firsthand how it feels watching others sleep while your eyes remain wide open. You try everything under the sun from counting imaginary sheep to reciting a boring poem over and over. I have even gone a step further one time to read my Bible, a trick a lot of people swear by, yet it didn't work.

A few cases and a helpful diagnosis later, I got to know I was suffering from insomnia.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is defined as the inability to fall or stay asleep, resulting in you feeling non refreshed at the end if the day.

People with insomnia find they wake up tired and lacking in energy since they got little or no sleep at all.

This condition is also more common than most people know, affecting over 30% of adults worldwide. Also, when insomnia is said to be chronic (a state suffered by 10%) of the world, it could result in other health issues.


To know how to go about treating your insomnia, you would need to know the severity of what you are suffering from, and this is when knowing the types of insomnia there are will come in handle.

Types of Insomnia You Should Know

Acute Insomnia

This is insomnia that comes on suddenly and usually lasts for a few days or even a week. People with acute insomnia report experiencing this due to a sudden stressor in their lives. Thankfully, it clears after some days with or without medications.

Chronic Insomnia

Chronic insomnia usually lasts a little longer as it is likely to go a month or a few weeks.

It's also likely to cause other health challenges like extreme fatigue and mood swings.

Primary Insomnia

With primary insomnia, you or your doctor can't pinpoint a singular reason for your new sleep pattern.

It comes on either suddenly or overtime and lasts a while.

Secondary Insomnia

Secondary insomnia on the other hand, starts due to an underlying reason, which could be medically, psychologically, or physically related.


Some Common Symptoms of Insomnia You Should Look Out For

  • Problems falling asleep
  • Having a hard time staying asleep/ you wake up severely during the night.
  • Waking up earlier than you should
  • Feeling unrefreshed after sleeping.

Some Common Causes of Insomnia Include

  • Being depressed
  • Being under a lot of stress
  • Going through a difficult life stage.
  • Having some major health challenges.
  • Being in a noisy environment.
  • Taking certain medications that disrupt sound, restful sleep.

If you find you or someone close to you is experiencing insomnia, then there are some steps you would need to take before attempting to solve the problem. Done right, these steps would solve the problems and you wouldn't need to carry out any other techniques.

Proven Steps to Handle or Cure Insomnia

Find Out the Root Cause of Your Insomnia

Know what type of insomnia you're experiencing and what brought it on.

Insomnia caused by anxiety and worry, side effects of certain medications, or stress are usually easier to overcome and will disappear once you remove the stressors from around you.

Try Helpful Solutions Passed Down Through The Years

Some natural cures you could try include:

  • Taking a glass of warm milk just before bedtime.
  • Taking a long, warm soak in, with the water preferably scented with lavender oil as this oil has been known to be relaxing.
  • Alternatively, you could soak your feet in a bucket of warm water until you start to fall asleep.
  • Exercise regularly as its being known to improve sleep.
  • Search out a quiet environment or make yours quiet.

Visit a Medical Practitioner

You might need to consult a medical practitioner for your insomnia, especially if you don't understand the cause or have tried possible solutions without success.

A medical personal would be in the best solution to properly diagnose your case and place you on the right medication or cocktail of medications to eliminate it.


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