Apple’s Universal Control Is Awesome

Being able to automatically connect my keyboard and mouse between my Macbook Pro and my iPad Pro feels amazing. It’s much better to type using a keyboard. Although I consider myself a fan of touchscreens, I’ve realized that I write more when I have a keyboard available.


It flows more naturally.

Why 2 screens? Well, it isn’t only a secondary screen, but another computer. More 8GB of RAM and 16 processing cores working on my side is very useful.

Universal Control is available to the public since March 15th, when iOS 15.4 was released.

I have been using it it’s been a few weeks, as a beta tester and I can say it saved me from buying a new bluetooth keyboard.

How To Activate Universal Control On Your iPad:


Universal Control is a feature built on top of handoff, so in order to activate it, you need to turn handoff on first.


Easy & Useful

Specially if you are an online hustler.

2 jobs at the same time, reading an e-mail while writing a post. In these occasions, I feel pleased to have an iPad by my side.

See you in the future, pathfinder.

May the force be with you.


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