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Pomodoro is More Useful Than I Thought 🧠

Get Better Results Using Pomodoro

Great for work or study, Pomodoro is a Time Management strategy created in the 80's.

This app is very useful if you want to organize your routine or simply get track of the time while you work.

The ones who are going to benefit the most are people who do nightshifts.

If you're an owl, or need to get track of your time while working by yourself, Pomodoro is essential in my opinion. At least, having a time management system.

The Pomodoro Technique is basically a strategy to be productive in a healthy way.

In my case, I decided to divide my day in 4 parts. I am using the time I stop to eat as a target to get track of the time during the night. This way, I can keep a routine as if I were waking up at 8 A.M. It doesn’t matter when I start, as long as I keep the plan.

The app can be found on Apple’s App Store, or by simply clicking here.

Planning your Tasks

I decided to use food as a reference of my most important breaks during the day.
You can have the way you want.
Feel free to make your own schedule.
Mine is divided in 4 parts:

Bonus is "extra time" that I decided to call "bonus" to remind myself there's a payment for that.

Play with your brain, get better results.

The standard Pomodoro can be seen above. 25 minutes of work time, 5 minutes of break. Big intervals for food are being used in my case for the 15 minute breaks.

Browser Version

Just don't forget to turn on notifications.

The website can be found in here.

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The future is awesome.

See you in the future, pathfinder. May the force be with you.