Why a Green-energy Focus is Important for the Human Species





Animals and plants are an essential part of human existence. Aside from being our trusted companions and food sources, animals and plants sustain our lives on Earth. Humans ha e often taken a cavalier approach to the enviroment, and rather than being a steward of the Earth, we have acted as conquerers. Aside from the obvious, we need to focus our technology on sustaining and coexisting in the enviroment or else we will pay a grievious price.

We are a part of the ecosystem, which includes our environment and the organisms we cohabitate with and who often times help us survive. From the tiny plankton that makes so much oxygen we breathe and sequesters carbon to the pollinators we often take for granted, we need to realize our impacts. Polluting waters and using chemicals on insects harms the bottom of the food chain up, and for this reason we need waste-limited sources of energy. Coal and oil release dangerous benzenes, mercury and pollution that harm our ecosystem.

The function of many plants and phytoplankton in the sea is a carbon sink and a source of food and ecological balance. We can use planted trees to sequester carbon, and many nations are taking this route. We can also observe how large forests support increased rainfall downstream on our crops that need them, which is an added bonus. Without plants, we would not exist. We need to focus on technology that will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and we need to stop rampant deforestation.

Pollinators and tropical rainforests are both in serious danger of extinction and are responsible for a habitable planet. According to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, we are in serious trouble due to a loss of pollinators that has been occuring for at least 30-years. A host of animals serve as pollinators, but we lean on bees to be out workhorse in the field. We can focus on green pest control that utilizes natural insect predators and crop management that uses less plowing. Agriculture is a major contributor to pollution and carbon emissions, and we can do better in this regard.

We will need to address the abuse we are heaping on our environment, and that we depend on plants and animals to support our wellbeings and lives on planet Earth. I write this now not for myself, but for my children and my grandchildren. We need to focus on clean energy, animal protection and pollinator support and we need to purify our waters.

Posted on Hive, Blurt and Steemit

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