Solar Energy Advances- A Green Energy-Technology Powerhouse Evolves

Solar Energy Advances- A Green Energy-Technology Powerhouse Evolves


As solar panels become more ubiquitous and present in our lives, on our roofs and in the media, advances in their design and construction are making them a more viable green-energy source. Recent advances in solar panel energy production and recyclability have made them a key component in green-energy portfolios.

According to recent studies, the price of solar panels has decreased 90% since 2010. His has contributed to their status as the most common form of green-energy production. Advancements in the material used to produce solar energy, recycling efforts and general supply chain operations have made solar energy a green-technology that is viable and evolving to meet future needs.

The solar panel itself has evolved to become more efficient. Bifurcated solar technology means that the panel captures energy from the Sun that hits the back of the panel, and has two surfaces to produce power. Solar cell-efficiency for current silicon materials is currently measured at 5-30% depending on maintenance and manufacturing. Bifurcated solar cells can increase this based on how they are engineered, but new materials are being developed, including Perovskite crystals that can be printed into cells and massively increase power yield.

Perovskite has been a miracle material that is a special crystal used in solar cells. This material has been shown to massively increase the efficiency of solar cells. The Perovskite solar cell has increased in efficiency from 3%-25% in just over a decade. Government entities has been increasing funding projects for Perovskite solar projects. SETO is working to fund and incentivize Perovskite solar cells that can last up to 30-years, which is the current standard for solar cells of current construction. The current issues with Perovskite cell production include instability of the material and large-scale production of cells, as they are currently complicated to produce.

Solar panel recycling is a major issue, and is seeing much more development. The materials that are recovered from solar panel recycling are generally not worth the efforts. Since solar panels last an average of 30-years, we need to work to improve their ability to be recycled. Governments are subsidizing the recycling of panels and manufacturers are working to create panels and cells that are easier to recycle at adjacent facilities. These developments will pay dividends for future technological developments.

Solar panel technology is being improved. Efficiency, material construction and engineering and recycling efforts are making the technology more viable. As the need for green and clean-energy increases, we need to keep pace with demand is key for the future of this amazing sustainable technology.

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