Astronauts and Scientists Study Effects of Space on the Body and More Innovations


Astronauts and Scientists Study Effects of Space on the Body and More Innovations

Scientists and astronauts are hard at work in the International Space Station (ISS) conducting tests on materials and engineered solutions including robotics that could provide significant gains to the scientific community. Microgravity has effects on materials that can be studied adequately on the ISS, and the effects of long-term exposure to microgravity must be studied as commercial space travel increases in leaps and bounds. The ISS scientific studies continue to lead the way in commercial and academic science.

In the absence of gravity, scientists and engineers on the ISS have been conducting studies that could improve current technology. The current experiments include a study of liquid surface tension in zero gravity focused on the way neurodegenerative diseases progress, the effects of zero gravity on the human body, robotic arm engineering and materials science experiments on gels and foams. The emphasis on health research, especially how space-travel and exposure could affect humans is very progressive.

American and Russian astronauts have recently embarked to the ISS, and the space station will be getting seasoned scientists and a physician to aid in research. Commercial space enterprises including SpaceX will be working to shuttle astronauts and this could aid in their technological advancements while saving taxpayer money and increasing employment. The ISS is a great place for the cross-pollination of science between many different nations.

As space traveling and tourism increase, it is essential to understand the health effects of microgravity and radiation exposure on humans. Astronauts must exercise on the ISS, and new studies on the ISS are focused on the way the effects of microgravity can be mitigated over time. I am especially interested in the studies being conducted on fluids and gels that are being extrapolated to neurodegenerative diseases and materials science. Spacecraft shielding and exercises designed to keep the vascular system healthy are essential items for long-term space travel. The ISS has shielding, and currently, astronauts onboard do have prescribed exercise routines, but more must be learned to fully understand the challenge.

The results of the space programs since the 1960s have been a large number of technological advances. Items including lasers, transistors and Velcro have been inspired by and created during space programs. The funding and infrastructure available when space programs are ongoing are often unmatched, and space exploration necessitates and creates innovation.

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