6G Technology- The Future of Telecommunications






5G systems have been progressively rolling out, and to stay ahead of the competition, 6G technologies are already being developed. Given the technological requirements of 6G that will encompass a broader range of frequencies and a much lower latency rate, 6G is not a fully-operational technology as of yet. We also need to consider the hardware we will use to interact with each other using the 6G network that is believed to hit the market by 2030. New technologies are being developed to accommodate a larger bandwidth of information including absorption of microwaves up to 100 GHz that will enable powerful applications to be used on the network.

5G systems have been deployed to facilitate automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and more. 5G systems have a limited range, so more towers must be erected to ensure the network remains viable. Some major advancements that 6G will have over 5G include the ability of the network to find the most efficient location to transmit data, the ability to integrate edge computing into the network, the use of AI applications and much more user bandwidth for all forms of computing and processing. 6G will be an advancement that could change the hardware and software that telecommunications companies use forever in a quantum leap.

A major hurdle that 6G needs to overcome is microwave absorption that will be 100 GHz. Current microwave absorption in telecom equipment is around 70 GHz with existing magnetic technology. Engineers from the Osaka Metropolitan University have been experimenting with a magnetic structure called a chiral spin soliton lattice (CSL) that has more absorption than existing magnetic arrays found n current telecom applications. The CSL has a wider ability to increase in frequency to absorb microwaves at the 100 GHz level required for next-generation applications. Such hardware advances will need to be solidified and commercialized before 6G technologies roll out to the general public.

Expect to see 6G technology begin to hit the market in 2030. Advancements in both hardware and software systems must be made to enable 6G to become a reality. Nokia has made a statement that the smartphone may be replaced by smart glasses or headsets by 2030, and users will interact with 6G through these means. I am interested in seeing how this new network impacts how we live, work and play.

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