DLUX community gets it's first node runner

It couldn't have been easier

So you've decided to run a DLUX node and you got in contact with me. You're a little technical, maybe having run a bitcoin node or something in the past. In @qwoyn's case he's a long time friend of mine. We worked together to build the first Hashkings game on Steem.

So he made a new account @qwoyn-dlux and loaded it up with 120HP (delegation works too). 120HP is enough Resource Credits to run all necessary transactions for the DLUX sidechain... This is less than the cost for GAS of running one UniSwap transaction on Ethereum. Now with this mostly empty account he felt comfortable enough to set up the DLUX node software on a Continuous Integration pipeline to allow for rapid development and stay in consensus.

After that he set two .ENV variables: HIVE account name, active key. Then deployed.

He was done. The software automatically checks for the latest consensus report, it then downloads the state file from IPFS, loads it into memory, and starts processing Hive blocks. When it gets the flag that it's at the Hive HEAD it sends off its status to Hive via Custom_JSON, starting the process to be added to the node pool. With-in 10 minutes his node was elected to the node runners. This new account didn't have any DLUX so it wouldn't have been able to immediately handle DEX transactions, but getting crediting for helping to establish consensus you can see that it was awarded 30.287 DLUX tokens by the network. He can now help handle transactions up to 15 DLUX at a time.

Screenshot from 20201222 142832.png

Every 5 minutes his nodes current state gets uploaded to IPFS and the received hash is used to establish consensus and becomes the new starting point for new nodes and consensus failure restarts.

This morning I noticed that fetching new blocks was failing on the public APIs again, so I wrote a function to swap APIs and start processing blocks again. As downloading states and processing new blocks always takes less than 5 minutes, we can ensure that nodes responsible for handling DEX transactions always make their escrow transactions in a timely manner. The network wins. Hive's feeless transactions and 3 second blocks make building side chains easy, and their setup even easier.

I want your skilled help to test the functions and security and bring the software to a stable release candidate. I want to make a generic version of this software so a few accounts can run lightweight processes with a few dollars worth of HIVE Power and enable communities like never before.

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