Testing The Submit Form Again From SteemThat

With all of the recent news about crypto and stish and steemthat.com things are picking up again. We recently added a way for members to have their recent steemit posts displayed on SteemThat.com also which is nice. Plus they share to our discord, telegram, facebook, twitter, and Stish.io automatically this way.

This is a test post. Thank you

We are submitting posts and debugging from SteemThat.com. I know I am slow to get this part finished but it has given me a fit and there is no docs on getting multiple html entries into a js variable and then outputing that to JSON. I'm no expert but this has been the hardest part of it all. I know a few places do it and allow for people to enter tags and then they submit them to the blockchain. I get the format they need to be in I just cant get them from the page to the json broadcasting correctly. I'm an idiot when it comes to this. I might try to build it in PHP as it might be easier for me.

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