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Crazy Things that Human Beings Believe (Including Believing that the Earth is Flat)

Although I know it seems foolish to believe in itself that the earth is plan, but friends trust me when in fact, I make this limitation, because if there are people in this world who believe this. Although there are billions of years of science that support that all of us humans live in a spherical body, there are still people today who believe that the earth is flat.


While it seems very unbelievable that in this era where technology wraps us with its advances, it becomes increasingly incredible as you begin to see the crazy beliefs that accumulate on crazy beliefs one over another making impossible theories explaining a model of the earth that does not exist.

There is a great conspiracy in the world that involves millions of people around the world

It is not that terrestrial llaneros simply question what they were taught in school, but in reality they believe that there is a worldwide conspiracy going back to Galileo (in reality!) As a coordinated and synchronized effort of all the countries in the world to hide the true nature of everyone's land form.

Ever Galileo was in on the conspiracy


This conspiracy necessarily involves vast swathes of government and private individuals, including:

  • The leaders of each nation
  • NASA (your number one nemesis)
  • The space agencies of all these countries
  • The freemasons
  • 'The elite'
  • The shipping companies and their captains and navigators
  • Cruise lines and their captains and navigators
  • Mapmakers and balloon manufacturers
  • Google, which creates Google maps, Google Earth, and hides the public's search results
  • Airlines and pilots
  • Satellite dish cable companies
  • Satellite manufacturers
  • All aerospace companies
  • All scientists, including Einstein, Newton and Galileo
  • Of course, teachers at all levels

and the list goes on and on, in an endless spiral of almost all sectors of society that necessarily have to hide something. Surprisingly, even though all of this started in Galileo, no one since the 1600's has filmed a word about any of this, and no one in the history of the world has discovered this conspiracy until now. Achieve that the flat terrestrials are possibly 1% of the 1% of the smartest people that has ever existed, all for watching some YouTube videos.

Satellites do not exist

Despite the fact that many satellites and even the International Space Station (ISS) can often be seen with the naked eye, planets simply do not believe they exist. Thousands of photographs of amateur astronomers, and the fact that NASA publishes a Timetable of Where to locate the Space Station, we have satellite phones, ships in the sea have satellite Internet, there are satellite images of Earth, and there are dozens of Private satellite manufacturers do not prevent one iota of the flat thermos in their negation of satellites.

these satellite dishes are all needlessly pointed up in the sky to a nonexistent satellite

Do you have a satellite dish for your internet that you had to calculate to place it on a satellite and point it to the sky? That's just part of the conspiracy, and they trick you into thinking that you really have to point to the sky in a particular direction to continue the scheme, but your internet is really land based and you can point in any direction. you choose and you still get a land-based signal.

Some of the less insane of them found it uncomfortable to continue denying what people have been able to see for themselves, so many of them believe that satellites do exist, but that they are simply suspended on top of the earth through balloons high altitude . Actually, I could not do these things if I wanted to.

Why do you believe in such a crazy idea? See the next section.

There is an impenetrable dome above the earth

The reason why they believe that satellites do not exist is because part of the belief system, for most of them, is the existence of a giant, rotating and impenetrable dome approximately 5000 miles high that covers the entire earth and in the that the sun, moon and stars are embedded. That's why the celestial bodies seem to turn on us, not because we are a spinning sphere in space.


In fact, they do not believe in SPACE either! That's because we're completely locked in the dome, it's our only reality, there's nothing outside the dome (or maybe it's filled with liquid outside the dome, depending on what flat earth you talk to), and all the rockets that have tried to let the dome have crashed or have fallen back into the water.

How is that:

  • The moon, the sun and the stars do not rotate exactly on the same pattern as the other
  • The stars do not rotate exactly in the same pattern year after year, but change over time
  • The southern hemisphere sees different stars that rotate in the opposite direction to the stars of the northern hemisphere
  • The closed atmosphere is not pressurized
  • We do not see condensation streaks on the side of the dome
  • No one has seen it
  • We get colder as we go further instead of getting hotter as we get closer to the sun
  • ... they have not realized yet, but they are given another 2000 years and they will surely have a model that explains all that. You can see and feel that the earth is flat (but only KNOW that the dome is there although you can not see it or feel it), so there is no need to prove anything to anyone!

Is there an ice wall that surrounds the entire planet?

In my previous article on Unmasking the Flatland Ice Wall, I have discussed the fact that they do not believe that Antarctica is a continent per se, but rather a giant ice wall, about 60,000 to 80,000 miles long, that is the circumference of the whole planet

Although the Map of Flat Earth is actually a Projection Map of a Globe, and from which comes this idea, this wall of ice is a necessary part of its mythology that allows them to answer the question of why no one is falls off. the edge and why the waters do not filter.

If possible, this myth becomes even more crazy. Not only do they say there is a wall of ice, but to answer the question of why someone not only goes there and proves it, they invented the story that the coast is patrolled 24/7 by a full fleet of 10,000 or more ships of the UN armed that will kill anyone who stepped on it, so that no one will find the edge and the deception of the round earth will not be discovered! And the earth has a constant armed military presence ... in its total circumference of 60,000 miles.


Gravity does not exist

The last insane belief I will talk about is that they do not believe in gravity! Their unbelief in gravity is not because they need a lack of gravity for their model, or because they have done extensive experimentation refuting gravity, but because the balloon "needs" gravity for its explanation. Without gravity, "water can not stick to a spinning ball," as they like to say. So, how to disprove the earth is round with a single blow? Simply deny a long-standing physical law and claim that Newton and Einstein were involved in the conspiracy to defraud everyone! No evidence or experimentation is required!

So why do not we all float to heaven when we jump out of a building? Density and buoyancy only explain that, says the ad hoc explanation. Point out that the same mathematical formulations of buoyancy and density demand the existence of gravity, and that you can not even CALCULATE buoyancy and density without gravity, well, you're just a brainwashed man who repeats what his teacher told him. fourth grade Or maybe you're an evil Mason who wants to confuse everyone with mathematics!

Ask them how and why things fall to the ground, or why it is more difficult to climb the hills when they would be coming out of denser layers in less dense layers, and they will simply deviate and ask why gravity is so "selective" that it keeps lowers all the waters of the earth, but allows a bee to fly. Apparently on a flat earth, the concept of a force called 'lift' does not exist, and bees can fly because they are able to change their density. I'm not sure, since they are explained vaguely differently by different people, depending on which YouTube video they saw, I guess.

Can bees change their density in a flat earth?

In any case, I hope you enjoyed this article and that you have learned a lot about this cult belief that, surprisingly, is exploding in popularity. I suppose being able to claim that he is more intelligent than any scientist who has lived in the last thousand years is an attractive proposition for those with marginal logic and reasoning skills.

There is no need for long and boring science classes, credentials of "Masonic" universities or detailed experiments to refute the laws of long-standing physics. Just look at some YouTube videos, post some memes on Facebook, and you will also have discovered the lies and mistakes of Galileo, Newton, Einstein and all the scientists, physicists and astronomers of the world; even Tesla was a stupid idiot indoctrinated. Now you know.


Vote, and comment below to find out their opinions regarding these crazy theories in which you think that science refutes non-scientific ramblings that seem to attract an explosion of followers when referring to the fact that they say flat earth. Thank you.