Mystery Behind The Black Hole

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From the wormhole until to the alternative universe, we all must have heard or read the crazy theory of what is and what is going on inside the black hole. Then, what's really in there?

The short answer is, astronomers no one knows. While the answer is rather long is, depending on what you ask specifically.

In the movie "Interstellar", Joseph Cooper (played by Matthew McConaughey) is sucked into a black hole and into another dimension, where time and space are distorted. However, in reality, no one knows what's inside the black hole.

We and even astronomers have so far not been able to see at a glance what is in the black hole because the light or material attracted by it can never be achieved or observed. Even if we can send spacecraft to a black hole, the spacecraft will not be able to communicate back to us.

Current theory predicts that all matter in a black hole is stacked in a single point in its center, known as a singularity. However, astronomers still do not understand how this central singularity works.

Stephen Hawking says that the possibility of a black hole is a gateway to another dimension, but this claim is also a theory. If the black hole is the gateway to another dimension, then is our universe actually inside a black hole?

The theoretical physicist dedicates his life to studying black holes and unraveling the mysteries of the universe. Hawking died on Wednesday at the age of 76. However, he left important lessons about the universe.

The first black hole was discovered in 1971 and it is estimated that there are 100 million black holes in the universe. Allegedly, the black hole is the center of many galaxies scattered in the universe. The nearest black hole from Earth is thousands of light years away, so we are not affected. A supermassive black hole with a mass of millions of times from the sun is thought to be at the center of our Milky Way, about 27,000 light-years away.

To truly understand the center of the black hole, we need a blend of gravity theory with a theory that describes the behavior of matter on the smallest scale, called quantum mechanics.

This unifying theory has been named, that is quantum gravity, but the way it works is still unknown. This is one of the most important issues unsolved in physics. Future studies of future black holes will provide a key to unlock this mystery.

In 1916, Albert Einstein used his famous theory of relativity to explain the gravitational attraction of so much force that it could suck light. In the 1960s, scientists realized Einstein's theory was correct and (mathematically) discovered a black hole.

Einstein's general theory of relativity allows us to know the characteristics of black holes. For example, according to the general theory of relativity, a singularity in a black hole can form a bridge to another universe. This is similar to the wormhole hypothesis.

Bridges or wormholes allow us to travel to other universes or even time travel. But, so far there is still no observational and experimental data related wormholes, so it is largely still a mere speculation. We do not even know whether the bridge or wormhole exists in the universe.

The wormhole is indeed theoretically possible to form, but it needs the right conditions, and the "exact conditions" are almost certainly never in the true universe.

Then, what about the alternative universe? This is apparently also the same as with the wormhole; still in the form of speculation.

This crazy idea begins with research on how massive massive stars end their lives. So when a star with a mass 30 times larger than the Sun's mass reaches its end, it will explode in a supernova, leaving the shrinking core of the star.

The core of the massive star will continue to shrink until its gravity is sufficient to make it a black hole and until its density and temperature become very high as the state of our universe was born 13.8 billion years ago.

So, according to this idea, there will be a Big Bang event and a new universe formed inside the black hole. The alternative universe in this black hole may have different structures and laws of physics with our universe.

Well, that's a bit of information about black holes. In essence, astronomers have so far not understood well what is in the black hole. Still, need additional research and observation to confirm all ideas about the black hole above.

Or maybe, inside the black hole, there is a "tesseract" like in the movie Interstellar (2014)? Clearly, the black hole is not a hole in the true sense.

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