Does having pets at home improve mental health? This is what science says

The pets are faithful companions, they always give us love and make our home happy. They make us smile even in the worst moments and make us feel loved.

But science says they also have great benefits for our health.

A study from the University of Manchester, in the United Kingdom, reveals that pets can help people with severe mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.

A healthy link

To test this theory, Helen Brooks (lead study doctor) and her colleagues interviewed 54 people with long-term mental illness.

The participants were given a diagram with three consecutive circles and were asked to write inside the circles to people, places and things that supported them, the circles closest to the center were the most important.

Sixty percent of the interviewees considered their pets to be part of their social environment and placed them in the most important circle, a place that many shared with their close family and coworkers.

More than company

In dialogue with the participants, the team of specialists was able to see that for many people with mental illness, pets not only offer more than companionship and emotional support, but also help them to be distracted from their illness.

People with mental illness tend to have a reduced social circle and feel lonely and alienated, but pets give them love without judging or making them feel different.

From going for a walk to the dog to hearing the songs of the birds or watching a hamster move on its wheel, the participants showed that any type of pet helps people to face difficult situations, stop thinking about the disease or enjoy the relationship and the link with the animal.

Experts say that the routine that pets need is also important and beneficial for patients, because it gives them a structure and a responsibility that they would not otherwise have.

With the study, the team of specialists hopes that health workers can begin to consider the inclusion of pets in the care plans of people with mental illness.
The connection between patients and pets is extremely important and beneficial and could help more patients to have a routine, feel accompanied and able to form a healthy and honest relationship.

What benefits does your pet offer you?

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